~life changes in a heartbeat~

Start from the beginning

"I'm the new resident...Actually, what are you doing here you haven't returned my calls. Not even Addison or Mark. And you always used to say I ran away from things."

"It hasn't been that long," I said with a guilty conscience. It had been years.

"3 years, 3 years Derek. Where the hell have you been? I've just got in contact with Carolyn and Amelia has no idea either. Why are you here?" The annoyance was radiating off her. Her face was turning red and I could tell she was annoyed. 

Luna's POV

"Umm well, Addison slept with Mark. So I did what we all took the piss out of you for which was running. So I moved here. I'm remarried and I'm chief of Sirgery...Addison moved to LA to work in a Private practice that Sam works at. Mark now works here, he's head of Plastics...how are you?" He said bluntly, he slouched back down into his seat looking up at me. 

"WHAT. You're telling me all of this happened in the last 3 years and none of you could pick up the phone and call me or even text me? You're meant to be family you raised me. What happened to no one gets left behind Derek?" The words that I had waited so long to say were spilling out. And I felt no relief. 

There was a slight knock on the door. It was a ginger girl she seemed very perky. Looking out the window behind Derek I spotted Cristina and a few other residents I'm guessing taking turns looking in. 

"Nice to meet you Dr Shepherd~Montgomery! I'm Dr Kepner" the slight shyness in her voice.

"Hello, Dr Kepner and thank you for the scrubs!" I said staring at Derek. I completely forgot to listen to what he was saying.

" Look I'm going to be professional as I am a resident and you're my Chief. So where's the welcome packet and everything so I can get learning?" I said trying to smooth over the shouting I had just done.

"Here it is, Dr Kepner will show you where your locker is and she will give you your pager and schedule!" He said in a very snarky way I knew this as I was too used to it.

Snatching the packet off him I reached for the pile of scrubs and coat along with my pager and a new stethoscope. I followed the ginger through the halls until she showed me the locker room and told me to meet Dr Sloan in the reception. Lovely I was going to have to deal with this as well. I quickly put on my scrubs and attached my pager to my trousers. All I could think of was my first impression of her, she definitely would've thought I was rude. 

As I was leaving the locker room. I noticed a boy hanging around the entrance and he looked familiar but couldn't remember where I'd seen his face. 

"So you're the new resident. They always bring hot ones in, don't they? Alex Karev. I mean Dr Alex Karev same resident class as you and would want to show you a thing or two you know." I had been hit on before by guys but not nearly as bad as that.
" Okay that was cringe but can you show me where the 3rd floor nurses station is please?" I said winking at him.

It was an awkward silence for a bit. I could tell from his facial expression he rarely got turned down, a bit like Mark. 

"This is cut through don't have to walk past rooms or patients makes it quicker and helps with the job as well" It was more light-heartedly said this time. It was a tight corridor you could hear a conversation going on further down.

"You know you can stop with this bad boy attitude. I'm immune!" I said very sassy, I turned to look at him and saw a slight smirk on his face. Maybe it wasn't going to be this hard to make friends. 

Then there was a loud bang, I could tell that sound from anywhere. it was a gunshot. It sounded very close. I saw Alex go ahead and another loud bang go off before he shot backwards into the elevator. I began running til I heard another two shots and felt myself pinned against the wall and a sudden throbbing coming from my body. My fight or flight mode was activated and I started putting pressure on where the blood was coming from. I managed to lift my head up to see the elevator button and use the rest of the strength from my arm to press it before pushing myself into it. 


Sorry for how long the chapter was. I was trying to get a lot in but not a lot at the same time. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I'm not gonna stick to the storyline but I'm also going to at the same time things will be different with characters and things.

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