Chapter Fourty One

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Lily's POV

(You guys may be wondering why I added a new character. Well, I figured you might enjoy what comes next.)

I was sat on the couch next to the lovely lady, playing a game of 'go fish' when everyone came rushing in. It was scary, and I was worried when I saw two girls in the arms of other people. Claudette smiled and placed her cards on the table to get up and help the girls.

"Can you get Sal for me? I may need her help. And I'll need Ace to make drinks for our patients." Claudette asked Lisa and Claire to go get the others whilst she looked after Y/N and Yun-Jin. I was worried about their condition, but a cool lady took me by the hand and led me outside.

"Hey, little Lily, I don't think it's suitable for you to be in there when there's things going on. Let's go for a little walk. By the way, my name's Nea." She led me away to another camp. But this one didn't look as good as the one I met Y/N in.

I remember going camping once. But it wasn't what I thought it would be.

I was in the back of the caravan alone, colouring with a pack of crayons. I hadn't been camping before so I was really excited. I had read stories about people who found treasure whilst going on adventures, and I was looking forward to finding some treasure myself.

It was a bumpy ride, and the road was really empty. The orange leaves flew past the window and the trees swayed within the wind. A few butterflies landed on the grass, whacking their wings gently.

I thought we would stop at the large patch of land up ahead, but we just kept driving. It took a few hours until we arrived at our camping grounds. But I hated it.

The grass was yellow and crunchy, and there were animals lying everywhere. I went to go stroke one, but mama pulled me away. She told me it wasn't okay to touch them and dragged me to where my uncle was setting up the tents. I didn't want to go near him, but mama forced me to help him out.

He smiled at me, revealing his rotten teeth. Or what was left of them. He was chewing on something. Tobacco. I remember papa used to smoke it every day? Before he went into the hospital. But he didn't return. Mama never told me why.

The tents were all put up, but my tent wasn't near mama. Uncle had put mine up close to his. But mama didn't seem to mind. She didn't know what I knew.

Mama placed a cooking pot on the fire, slowly cooking some stew for us. Uncle wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. I didn't like it. It was uncomfortable. I tried pulling away, but he only held tighter.

After dinner, we all climbed into our own tents and laid down for the night. But I couldn't sleep. Not when I was this close to Uncle. It was so tempting to climb into Mama's tent, but I didn't want to wake her up. It was horrible last time I did. I still had the bruises on my arms. So I stayed in my own tent. Then, I smelled the smoke.

When I stepped out, I noticed uncle coming out of Mama's tent. So I climbed inside and noticed Mama. She was sleeping silently in her sleeping bag. When I shook her she didn't respond. I was scared. She wasn't breathing. Her tent was in smoke, and I was inside. I couldn't escape or breathe. My lungs were heavy and I was coughing.

Then, the smoke turned darker and I couldn't see anything.

I'll be waiting-- Trickster X fem ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt