Part 3

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 Charlotte suddenly felt a gigantic "splash" sound as she felt sinking down into the water. She was extremely dizzy after the huge fall and was unable to follow up with what was happening. She slowly opened her eyes and found out that she wasn't dead - the water had saved her life. She looked around her surroundings as she felt her body sinking down the water inch by inch. Charlotte was sure she was in the sea, but not a single marine creature came to sight. She sniffed her nose as the saltiness of the sea water came to her. Opening her eyes wide, Charlotte realized that she was actually able to breathe.

Landing both feet on the sand ground, Charlotte twitched with a little fright of where she was standing. How is she supposed to get out of here now? She looked up and found her eyeballs landing on a large, neon sign "The Kingdom of Aquatics". She was standing at the bottom of the ocean, as she felt the sand tickling her toes. She raised an eyebrow as she desperately tried to look for more clues of where she was, and how she could leave this place. Looking down at her feet, she saw a large, red arrow drawn in the sand in front of her, disappearing off into the distance. It might be the way out! Charlotte thought as a smile spread across her face. She waddled across the water, following the arrow signs without hesitation. After a while, Charlotte slowly stopped as she felt that something was unexpectedly wrong. The bright arrow signs sometimes pointed to the right, sometimes to the left, and sometimes to the front. What's more, the surroundings around her seemed to get darker and darker as she followed the arrow signs. She smelled a scent of the sea water saltiness, with the sound of her movements. Charlotte felt a feeling of great uneasiness and began to worry where the arrows were actually leading her to.

Instantaneously, Charlotte froze like a statue. She felt a deep murmur sound echoing from a far distance. Shaking from head to toe, Charlotte was terrified to take another step anywhere. She clutched her rapidly pumping heart as she felt coldness coming up to her spine. Louder and louder the murmur went. Charlotte panicked as she looked around, not knowing what she should do. And just as she decided to go back... it was too late.

"ROARRRRRR!" came a loud, fierce sound behind her as she screamed a high pitched scream, turning her head around. In front of her confronted a large sized hairy creature, with bright blue fur, terrifying sharp claws and huge eyes full of power. It clearly seemed invincible. Charlotte was struck with great horror that her whole body twitches from left to right, backing away a few steps. She felt as if her heart was going to explode out of her chest as the monster raised one of his razor-sharp claws, eyes locked on the terrified face of Charlotte as he opened his wide mouth, dripping with saliva. It was as if the monster was about to devour Charlotte up within seconds. There was no way of turning back and no time to escape. Charlotte had no option but to stare blankly at the brawny monster and to wait for the arrival of her next expected death.  

The Remarkable Adventures of Charlotte TeproskiWhere stories live. Discover now