Part 1

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It was another typical day in the New York Public Library, when the cool summer breeze flew through the windows, and the birds chirped happily, flying from here to there. The massive halls of the library welcomed the overflowing number of people into the cozy interior. Grand staircases led up to new floors, each room containing shelves full of neatly organised books. The library was filled with people of all ages - from toddlers, to kids, to teenagers, to adults, and even some elders. Some lay comfortably on a bean bag, clutching a book, some sat on desks industriously studying papers, while others walked from shelf to shelf, searching for a suitable book to spend the afternoon reading.

The majestic, luxurious Rose Main Reading Room was the largest room in the library. The ceiling was the main highlight, as it displayed celestial murals of vibrant skies and soft pink clouds. Rows and rows of tables sat high school and college students, and the room was filled with page turning and pen clicking sounds. Charlotte Teproski sat quietly at the very edge of the Rose Main Reading Room, gently flipping through the pages of her adventure favourite book series. She was a 12-year-old girl, with round black glasses and brown hair always tied into a braid. She had come to the library all by herself, just as how typical Saturdays went, as her mom passed away years ago, and her dad was busy at work. 10 minutes went by and Charlotte was already yawning. She put her book down and got up from her chair, walking towards the doors of the Rose Main Reading Room.

Just as Charlotte was about to step out of the door, a peculiar sight appeared. A strong beam of light shone through the door, shining up the whole room. Charlotte gasped with aghast. Her mouth hung open to scream, but no sound came out. Her whole body froze on the spot, unable to digest the extraordinary sight right in front of her face. Petrified, she turned around to see others' reactions to the supernatural. She took a glance of the reading room when all she saw was rows and rows of empty chairs. All the people sitting on it had disappeared in thin air! How could this happen? She thought in panic as she frantically ran around the room, breathing unevenly and searching for someone to help. To her great consternation, there was not another soul in the room except for Charlotte herself. Just seconds ago, the room was filled with people, either taking down books from shelves and sitting on the tables reading. Now, there was absolute silence, as if you could hear a pin drop. What had just happened? And why am I the only one here now? Is my brain playing tricks on me? Maybe this is just a figment of my imagination? A million questions popped out of Charlotte's head as she pondered and bit her lips tightly. Glancing out the windows, her eyes widened and her face fell as she saw the streets were completely deserted.

Sighing with disappointment, Charlotte returned back to the great beam of light, which seemed to shine brighter and brighter. She hesitated whether to walk into it, or stay in the library for something perhaps tragic to happen. It was a difficult choice. It was seconds later when she got her immediate answer. The environment around her changed as three walls appeared at her back and sides, blocking her path to return to the Rose Main Reading Room. Charlotte had no choice but to step into the beam of light, and see what would lead her. She closed her eyes, bit her lips tightly, and tried to think of all the positive effects of going in. What if it leads her to somewhere magical? Somewhere exciting? And eventually take her back home in peace? Taking a deep breath, Charlotte put her left foot into the beam of light, and felt a platform underneath it. She trembled with fear as she cautiously put her right foot on it as well. 

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