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A/N: I finally got around to writing your request Marvel616React! Hope you enjoy :)


The day since he arrived at the Temple, whispers constantly surrounded Anakin Skywalker.

Is he really the Chosen One?
What powers does being the Chosen One bring?
Isn't the 'Chosen One' simply a myth?

Mostly, the other younglings stared at him with a mixture of shock and awe. Anakin befriended many of the younglings and had quickly learned how to differentiate between who really wanted to be his friend, and who didn't.

Now, he'd matured into an adventurous yet hot-headed Padawan apprenticed to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Well, not anymore. In a few days, he was expected to take the Knighting Trials. Being the supposed Chosen One, the pressure on him was doubled. As if several pairs of beady Jedi Masters' eyes watching his every move wasn't enough, other Padawans his age were always looking for a weakness to best him. Obviously, some did not care about playing fair.


They didn't think he realized or heard, but he did. When they cheered at his success or sneered at his defeats, Anakin knew it all.

Today was the day he'd find out whether or not he had successfully passed the Knighting Trials. If he did, the best of the Padawans-to-be would compete in a series of exhausting trials to prove their agility and excellence. The one shining above all else was to become his Padawan.

The honors of becoming the Chosen One's Padawan!

Whispers surrounded him, leaving him in the eye of the hurricane, as they always did.

The familiar ding! of the Council Chambers' entrance signal shook Anakin out of his trance. It was now or never.

He walked into the Chamber, assuming each Master would be looking at him, but he was immediately proven wrong. The room was completely dark; not a single wisp of light shining through.

Move to the center, Anakin, Obi-Wan's voice echoed in his head. Sensing Skywalker was going to ask questions, he continued: for once in your life, just do as I say.


In the center of the large semi-circle, a single green lightsaber illuminated with a hiss, wrapping the room in neon green light. Soon thereafter, another pair of lightsabers sprang to life — one blue and another green on each side of the first.

"Anakin Skywalker," a stern voice boomed, "passed the Trials, you have," Yoda mused. "With great perseverance, you have demonstrated your strength and unique mindset to conquer all challenges," a voice Anakin recognized as Ki-Adi Mundi's said. "Therefore," the last Master close to him announced with pride, "Anakin, my Apprentice you are no more. My inferior, you are no more." Obi-Wan Kenobi stepped into the limelight. "We are now equals. You are now a fully-fledged Jedi Knight."

Kenobi's sapphire blade spun gracefully in its Master's firm grip. Gently taking Anakin's Padawan braid in his left hand, Obi-Wan examined it carefully — before it fell to the ground, with a swift movement of his lightsaber. "Congratulations, Knight Skywalker."


News traveled quickly in the Jedi Temple and soon, the finalized list of names had been pinned on the wall beside the Council Chambers.

Eric Serbith
Kendra McDougall
Tristan Chan
Sarah King
Ahsoka Tano
Kyrena Bardot

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