twenty three (23)

Start from the beginning

after i walked in a bit, a short man in a suit walked up to me.

"hello, your highness. i am devin nilsson. i will be conducting your interview today," he said, in a way that was very professional.

i could tell he wasn't used to working with royalty.

"thank you devin, for coming," i smiled.

he smiled back at me.

after some light conversation with other coordinators, devin led me into the hall, where a studio-like room was set up for the live interview. i was directed to sit in the chair that was placed in front of me. i did.

after a few minutes, devin came and sat down in the chair that was placed next to mine. he cleared his throat.

"alright, the time is 5:59. lets start rolling in 3, 2, 1."

i straightened up my shoulders.

"hello sweden! my name is devin nilsson, and today i am here with the crown prince."

he gestured to me. i awkwardly smiled. this is not what i thought it would be like.

"alright, let's get started right away then."

he cleared his throat.

"now, your highness, on saturday night, you were seen coming into and out of a restaurant with a boy your age named simon, i just need you to confirm that was you."

i swallowed.

"yes, that was me. we were on a date," i said with a forced smile.

he smiled back at me.

"good, now we can move along to the rest of the questions," he declared.

i nodded.

"in a video that had been circulating the internet," he started, "you seem to be asking that same boy to be your boyfriend, is that correct?"

"yes, yes it is."

he nodded.

"and again, in that same video you are seen shouting, 'he said yes!'. just to be clear, he is currently your boyfriend and you are in a relationship?" he asked.

"yes, that is correct."

this was going along much easier than i thought it would.

"now in early december..."

oh shit. i spoke too soon.

"...a video was spread around of two boys with relations, one of them being the boy who is now your boyfriend. you claimed 'that isn't me in the video' excuse me for asking, but was that you in the video?"

i took a deep breath.

"yes, it was me," i said, trying to squeeze out every last bit of confidence i had in me.

he nodded again to show his understanding.

"great. now, i apologize if this is too personal, but why didn't you say that in your statement, rather than declaring it wasn't you?"

my confidence was replaced with a false pride; anger. i looked to my mom, who was standing behind the camera. she was shaking her head. that only set me off more.

i tried to keep my voice calm.

"i wanted so badly to tell the truth, not only for the sake of me and the rest of the world, but for simon, who i was dating at the time. i was ordered to protect the monarchy, though, in spite of my beliefs," there were hints of strong emotion in my voice, but overall i think i did a good job at masking them.

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