Chapter 19

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Third person p.o.v.

You are running your fingers through Tommy's hair when he starts to sitr in his sleep. You don't notice at first, continuing your conversation with Tubbo. Tommy wakes up, but keeps his eyes closed, wanting to hear with you and Tubbo were talking about.

"What do you mean?" Tubbo asks as you tie your hair back in a loose low ponytail. (if you have short hair you are pulling your bangs behind your ears?)

"It's just... I don't know. I definitely have some type of feeling for him, but I don't know if it's just in a 'best friend' way or something more." You explain looking down at Tommy with a smile ghosting your lips.

"Definitely not a best friend thing, but whatever you say!" Tubbo jokes before moving off of the couch. "Do you want a snack or something from the kitchen?"

"Can you get me a fruit roll up?" Tubbo nods as he heads as he walks away. Tommy pretends to shift in his sleep. You retract your hand, thinking that you might have woken him, but Tommy just turns over so he is facing the other way. Your hand returns to the golden hair, gently carding your fingers through it, ridding it of some of the nots. Tommy feels his eyes close once again, as you lul him off to sleep.

You smile to yourself, thinking about how lucky you are. Over the course of a month, you have made a lot of new friends, become quite popular, and you have even found a boy you like. You feel the couch sink next to you and a hand comes into view. You take the snack from Tubbo, saying a quick 'thank you' before opening it and begin eating.

"What are you guys eating?" You hear Fundy say as he and Dream walk into the room.

"Just fruit roll ups"Tubbo says with his mouth full, making them cringe slightly. The two adults sit on the other couch, turning on the tv. Fundy put on some news channel, resulting in you and tubbo complaining for two minutes before they handed the remote over to you. They though that you might pick something that they would like, but were they so wrong. You turn on Nextflix, putting on Demon Slayer episode 1, wanting to rewatch it for the fourth time.

SapNap and Karl hear the intro music and come running, both liking the show as much as you. Tubbo complains for the first few minutes, before getting Ranboo to come and sit with him. George is next to wander in, taking a seat next to Dream. Lastly Techno, Phil ,and Wilbur come in. Wilbur stops as soon as he sees what is on the tv. Muttering a 'fuck no' as he walks away and back into his bedroom. The first three times you watched this, you had forced your brother to watch it with you, which explains his hatred for the show.

Tommy opens his eyes slowly, enjoying the feeling of the hand in his hair. You don't know tommy is awake until he turns onto his back. You quickly retract your hand, your face turning a dark shade of scarlet. Tommy just smiles at you before turning back over so he could watch what is on the tv. As your face turns back to its normal color you look over at Tubbo who is wiggling his eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes, returning your attention to the show.


After you finish getting ready you walk back into the shared bedroom. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo eyes widen when they see you.

"What?" You ask after grabbing a few chains out of your luggage. "Is something wrong-"

"You look hot-" Tubbo says laughing causing everyone in the room to start laughing.

"Tubbo! What the- hell?!" Tommy tries to say between laughs.

"What?!" Tubbo gets interrupted again as he starts laughing "I'm just saying- what we're all- thinking!" Everything quickly dies down to a few giggles, then nothing.

"But he is right Y/n, you look really pretty." Tommy hides his face in his hands, trying to cover his blush.

"Thank you," You finish putting the last touches on your oufit before checking yourself in the mirror. "Are you guys still down to help?"

"Of course, but I'll have to be the camara man. You know the whole no face thing.." Ranboo scratches the back of his neck ackawrdly.

"Ok, thank you guys again." The three boys get up from where they were sitting around the room, waiting for you by the door. You finish tying the laces on your platform shoes, then standing up off the bed. You walk over following Tommy and Tubbo out, as Ranboo holds the door for you. As you walk into the living room everyone turned to look at the four of you.

"Y/n even in those shoes you aren't as tall as Tommy-" Wilbur says and starts laughing at you.

"Shut up!" You yell flicking the back of your brother's head.

"Where are you going?" Niki asks as you head for the front door.

"We're going to go stream at the park, for my face revel!" You say excitedly "We'll be back before dark!" You close the door behind you. As the four of you were walking Tommy started blasting music and you all would just sing along. The three of you finally get to the park and decided to start streaming right away.

"Ello Twitch!" Tommy says, greeting your stream. You were standing behind Ranboo, not wanting your face to be on camara yet. Ranboo didn't want to be on camara either, one reason being that he hasn't done his face reveal yet. The second being that no one knew that all of you were in the states. "Is it working?" you give a thumbs up and Tommy just nodds.

"Tommy, the chat wants to know why you are streaming from y/n's account." Tubbo shows tommy the chat proving his point.

"Because I am Tommy trusty! She gave me her password and said I could stream if I wanted to." Tommy lied, to cover up the surprise. "Well Twich today is a big day! It is the day I shall get my self a wife!"

"Tommy wh-" Tommy interrupts Tubbo just shusshing him.

"So lets start.." Tommy and Tubbo wandered around for a few minutes, with tommy complaining at the lack of women. You leave the other three and sit down next to one of the Trees. A few minutes later you start to hear Tommy's voice get louder. "Hello woman," Tommy says and you look at him


"Would you like to be my wife?" You struggle as to not laugh and you could see tommy doing the same.

"Well I don't know how Wilbur would feel about that." You say rolling your eyes slightly.

"Yeah tommy, it could be bad if you date his little sister." Tubbo adds as the chat starts to freak out. You and Tommy start laughing after you look at the chat.

<Tommyzone14> WAIT THAT'S LYNX?!

<WomanHavver> Pretty girl!

<Dreamnotfound4ever> I just got here!! What did I miss?!

<Applepog69> Awooga minecraft streamer

"HELLO CHAT!" Tommy extends a hand, helping you off the dirt. "This is my face.."

"Quite an ugly one.." Tommy counters and you look at him shocked

"You're fucking dead!" You yell before tackling. Tommy's eyes widen, not expecting that reaction from you. Tommy catches you before he falls to the ground. You and him start laughing, as you got off of the him. You fix your hair, seeing as it got messed up when you fell. Tommy takes a step closer to you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. A small smile makes it's way onto his face before he backs away slightly. The four of you continue on with the stream for another hour before deciding to end it.

"It's was really hard to not talk for over an hour.." Ranboo says as you are walking home.

"I would imagine." Tommy was blasting music once again, with him and tubbo singing along with the lyrics. "Hey can we stop in there?" You ask, seeing a small convenience store up ahead.

"I'm down, tommy tubbo?" Ranboo answers first.

"Same here!"

"Yepp." The boys go back to their music a few seconds later.

Late nights and missed messages (TommyInnit X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now