
Start from the beginning

I, in no way had intentions of disrupting any of their work.

I guess because I was going to be living here I had to know them all. But, I didn't want them to think I was actually one of them now. I wasn't an avenger. I had no special skills about me. I couldn't fight. I didn't have any special powers, I wasn't a god.

Speaking of gods.

Thor was hilarious when he wasn't meant to be.

Loki, however, stood watching me from a corner most of the time.

Then, I'm guessing the impossible happened, because when he came up to me and introduced himself Tony's jaw dropped. Thor's too.

I shook his hand as he bowed,


Later, we were all sat down. Most of them were drinking, apart from Peter, he was underage.

"Right. Shots. Anyone. cap? Wait no, you can't feel it. Clint? Nope you've got children to look after. Agh damn, I'll do it myself." Tony rambled.

"Count me in." I offered. I hadn't gotten drunk in 70 years. And the confidence was something I was in dire need of now.

"Whatever you say. But are you sure? I'm not sure you will be able to stomach this." He said as he poured two shots of what looked like tequila.

Steve and Bucky were smirking.

Tony handed the tiny glass to me and I stood up, clinking mine to his.

I locked eyes on him, and downed the shot in one.

The taste was something I missed. But it wasn't entirely a kick in the stomach. Then again, nothing was ever too strong for me.

I downed it with a straight face, clearly a contrast to Tony, who, no matter how much he tried to be macho, was scrunching his face up and shaking his head.

Everyone burst out laughing.

Natasha was finding this hilarious. Burying her face in her hands.

"Girl." Sam said, and I burst out laughing too.

"Okay. I uh- must've poured the wrong drink. Hang on." He moved to the bar and it got people laughing louder.

"ADMIT IT TONY." Natasha was saying, and I merely watched as he gulped and ruffled his hair.

"I uh-." He leant to the side, a hand on his hip. "Okay." He started to laugh too and he came and patted me on the shoulder as I sat back down.

"Cant believe you're trying to get me drunk on my first night." I addressed them all. I mean, yeah technically it wasn't my first night, but- they understood.

"Rite of passage, kid." Clint said.

"I'm scared of what's going to happen when I turn 21." Peter said from his chair.

"He'll be taking you on a bar crawl." Sam gestured to Tony.

"What are the infamous avengers like drunk?" I asked them all, and then they started telling stories.

"Okay. It takes a lot to get Bruce drunk." Natasha started, and he laughed, knowing what was coming. "But." She chuckled.

"We were in a bar one night. It was late, like really late, and there was no one else in apart from us. Peter was there too because we snuck him in, but that's another story. And there's a microphone where I don't know singers have been playing, right?" I could already see where this was going.

"Bruce gets up, and started yelling at the poor bartender to play radioactive. Like aggressively yelling, because that's like his song. The bartender, terrified, puts on the karaoke version and he starts dancing around singing. Then he passes out, and we" She gestured to Tony, Sam and Wanda.

"carried him home, just, casually, through the streets of Manhattan, like, a leg each. I still don't know why we didn't order an Uber or something."

I chuckled, and looked at Bruce. At first glance he wouldn't have seemed like the drunk Natasha just described him as, but it's always the quiet ones that surprise you I guess.

"And that's mainly the reason I won't be getting heavily drunk for a while." He looked at me.

"The two icicles here." I chuckled loudly at the nickname as Scott spoke. "Can't get drunk. So thor flies down some, I don't know, aged goblin piss from Asgard, and they're knocked out for...ehhh...couple of days."

I tried to imagine them drunk. They were chaotic back then, on normal beer. So what would they be like now, with whatever 'piss' it is they do drink.

"It's 1am y/n. I think you should get some sleep." Steve said softly, and I hadn't realised what the time was. I was feeling tired, and my eyes were shutting a little. I wasn't used to actually having friends to speak to so late.

Apart from....Bucky. Lately I guess.

I did talk to Steve. But he was always just a little uptight with me. He was such a protective brother. I could understand it. He was scared with what I'd been exposed too, back then with HYDRA, and now, even with the kind of people the avengers face.

I think he just wanted me to be happy.

I don't think he's ever forgiven himself for Bucky's fall. For what he went through after. I didn't know the extent of it but I know he was tortured. Badly. I know he killed people he didn't want to.

I can't imagine what the nightmares must be like for him.

I shivered a little.

On my way out, after I said night to everyone, I noticed Wanda giving me a look. She had her chin propped up on her hand, and she stared as if she like, I don't know, knew, the secrets to the universe.

She smirked behind her hand, and I chuckled, walking off.

I didn't mean it like that. I just couldn't explain it. It felt like she saw me.

I don't know. As i always say, I'll think about it later.

For now,


Okay well we all know what's going on with Wanda 🤪😂. I'm just going to say that the reader didn't remember she was telepathic because she was just a little woozy on that tequila shot. :)))

Also I did research and I can't believe the legal age for drinking in the USA is so different to the one here in England. Here it's 18, but when you are 16 you can drink if a parent is present at a restaurant.

Crazy but I understand it.

Anyway. Please remember to vote and comment and support if you like this story!!

Have a good day/evening/sleep.

Lauren :)))

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