Chapter ten: Third Person POV

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Tw: slight mention of wrist cutting/slashing and suicide but not very detailed or anything. :) <3

SOLOMON DROPPED THE SMALLER KNIFE BESIDE ELIZABETH'S BODY. He left the young girl in the woods alone, her own blood dripping from her wrists. He headed back to his house, picking up the butcher's knife from the floor along with the fire poker and replaced them where they came from. He fixed up his house, making it look like nothing happened.

In the morning, Solomon Goode left to go into town, to break the news of the oh so tragic suicide of Elizabeth. Daughter. Friend. Sister. Lover.

"She's dead! Suicide!" Solomon cried out as he entered the town, immediately catching the attention of the towns people.

Elijah and Elizabeth's mother had been searching all night for the girl, even managing to get Caleb and a few others to help with the search.

"Elizabeth is dead!" Solomon announced, making Beths Mam's heart stop.

"No." She quietly cried, "No! My baby! My girl!" She screamed, dropping to her knees.

Isaac dropped his shovel and Abigail, Hannah and Lizzie shared a look of pure horror.

"What happened, Solomon?" Elijah asked the man who looked more shocked than ever. Some may say he's over selling it.

Solomon panted. "I was heading into town and I found her body just laying there. Elizabeth had slashed her own wrists. The blade was- it was still next to her."

Isaac didn't spare a glance at anyone as he quickly left for the woods, Hannah, Lizzie and Abigail soon following.

It didn't take long for the teenagers to find the girl's body, all gasping at the sight.

There Elizabeth lay in the moss that had grown so quickly over night where Sarah was buried. Her wrists were indeed slashed and tears had stained her cheeks, clearing a path from dirt.

Isaac felt like breaking down but managed to keep himself together, for the others. Kneeling beside the girl he loved so dearly, he brushed her hair away from her face with his fingers gently before brushing his finger tips down her cheek.

Silent tears dropped down the boy's face as he scooped Elizabeth's body into his arms, holding her close to him. Isaac rocked the two of them back and forth slowly and soon the others sat with them, resting their heads on each other and holding hands.

Back at in the settlement, Elizabeth's mother was distraught and the town was shaken by the news. Elizabeth had always been the kid to help out anyone who needed it and, although she wasn't always the politest, she was kind.

Even Mad Thomas felt different knowing she was gone. Elizabeth, even with a strong hatred for the boy, never spat a bad word at him without good reason even if most of the time she should have.

Solomon, however, felt no remorse nor guilt. He did what he had to do to protect himself and his soon-to-be family legacy and he wasn't about to let a teenage girl get in the way of that.

To Solomon, he did the only thing he could have and he wouldn't change it for anything.

Elizabeth's mother cursed herself for how she had treated her daughter these past days, threatening to hang her, treating her like less than. All she wanted now was to hold her daughter and apologise, she wanted so badly to take everything wrong thing she said and did back.

Isaac, Abigail, Hannah and Lizzie decided to bury Elizabeth the other side of the large rock to Sarah. The teenagers had gone back to town before doing so though, informing her mother of their plans to which she gave her permission with one request; that they allowed her to bury something of value with young Beth.

Her mother handed Isaac two bracelets, both made from leather and looked the exact same, with the exception that one had a 'J' carved into and the other an 'E'.

"One was Jacob's, the other Elizabeth's. She made them when they were a lot younger, so they haven't fit for a while," Beth's mother slightly laughed, remembering when Jacob used to try and force it on to his wrist, "but I made sure to keep them."

Isaac looked at Elizabeth's mother with sorry eyes. "She was good person. She always fought for what was right and for her friends." He told her, keeping his voice soft and tender.

"I know. And I'm sorry I tried to keep you away from her. And I'm sorry for not being the best mother I could have been to her." The older woman told the boy, "she loved you so much, Isaac. You made her happy."

Those words broke his heart. Isaac had a plan. He was going to propose to Elizabeth, and then take her away from Union. The two were going to leave together and live out a life where they were free to do whatever they pleased as neither of them believed Beth's mother would ever allow them to be together.

The teenagers went back to the girl's body, digging a grave and gently placing her down. Isaac placed the bracelets on her chest, one over the other, and then they all buried her in dirt, like they had with Sarah.

Now the two girls could rest together, free from the worlds poison.

A/N: that's the book done!! I hadn't planned to kill all of my OC's off it just kinda happened as I wrote it cos I make it all up as I go along kind of. I mean, I started with a rough idea tho.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, I'm actually really proud of this book. :) thank you for reading, commenting, voting and whatever <3

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