Chapter seven: Camp Nightwing

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I LEANT AGAINST THE OUTSIDE OF THE AMBULANCE AS EVERYONE ELSE SORTED OUT TORCHES. We getting ourselves ready to head into the woods, back to the crash site where Sam said she had seen the witch, Sarah Fier.

I had never believed this witch stuff, no matter how hard I tried to.

At the time of the Camp Nightwing massacre, my mum was twenty-four. My uncle, who was at the Camp, was around eighteen at the time, and my aunt sixteen.

What had gone down at the Camp that night ruined my family. My mother and her boyfriend fell out horribly, him leaving. I still see him, he's not all bad, but he refused to 'deal' with my mum after she had lost her sister and brother.

My mum changed her last name, she wasn't married she just didn't want any connection to what happened that night. She wanted to forget as much as she could, even if that meant forgetting her family.

If she hadn't changed her name, I would've been Eliza Slater.

"Hey." Simon's voice broke me from my thoughts, my head snapping up to look at him as I muttered a 'hi' back. "You okay?" He asked, tilting his head as he stood in front of me.

I nodded. "Yeah, you know just running from some dead killers. Just a normal night for me." I tried to joke, but it came off more rude. I was scared.

Simon gently lifted my right hand with his, entwining our fingers as he moved closer to me, using his other hand to lift my chin with his fingers.

Simon and I were the same height, so I didn't have to look up at all.

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna be fine." He whispered, our faces extremely close.

The two of us had always been close, people often asked if we were dating. We weren't. Simon was my best friend, we always got along better than anyone else and we grew close quite quickly when we first met.

"Simon," my voice was barely a whisper, it was so much quieter. "I'm so scared. I don't wanna die." My voice shook when I spoke, my eyes tearing up.

Simon's ringed thumb rubbed circles on my red cheek. "You're not gonna die, I won't let you. I promise." He spoke just as quietly as I had.

"Hey! Lover birds, let's go." Deena called over, nodding into the woods.

I placed the head torch on, making sure it was secure and comfortable and working. It was all of the above.

We soon arrived at the car, red moss covering the woodland floor around it. It was the soft under my feet, I could feel my body almost sink into it. A skull, which I guessed belonged to Sarah Fier, was laying on the ground, obviously from when Sam disturbed her grave.

"Okay, so I fell out of the car..." Sam began retracing her steps from last night. "here." She knelt on the floor, beginning to crawl over the red moss. "I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding. And then..." her hand sunk into the floor. "I feel something." She stated as she began to pull whatever it was from the ground.

Rusty metal chains came up, bones attached to the the end, including the skull.

"Chains?" Kate queried, as we knelt around it.

"Not just chains." Simon pointed at once he saw the bones, highlighting them with his torch for the others to see.

Josh ran his hands through the moss, pulling up the old padlock. "Fier." He read, "it's her. It's her grave."

"Oh, no, no. This is bad! This is really bad!" Simon began to panic, falling into his ass.

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too." Kate commented which probably wasn't helpful to the situation.

"Sam disturbed the woman's grave." I added. "That's like waking a demon from its nap."

Josh sighed heavily whilst we all looked to Sam. "Now she's sending her henchmen after us."

"Henchmen?" Kate queried, squinting her eyes slightly at the boy. "As in everyone of those sickos on your wall is going to be coming after us?"

A twig snapped in the not so far distance, making our heads all pop up at the sudden noise. We were all extremely on edge at the woods were the last place we should be right now.

"Did you hear that?" Josh asked, standing on his knees like a meerkat.

I slowly stood to my feet, making sure to stay near the others.

"Hold up. Hold up." Simon grabbed my sleeve of my shirt, pulling me back down beside him. "She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?" He whispered.

"Yeah. So?" Deena whispered back at him.

"So, let's un-disturb it. Just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest." He explained, seeming fairly sure of his plan.

"No, that's so stupid." Deena quietly exclaimed.

"That's genius!" Josh disagreed.

"Yeah! Poltergeist!" Simon looked at the boy but our heads snapped again to look behind Kate and Josh at the sound of another twig snapping.

"Whatever. Let's just do it quickly so we can go." Kate hurried them, wanting it to be over as much as the rest of us.

We all stood again, Simon, Kate, Sam and Deena sorting out the grave situation. Josh was stuck to the spot, shining his torch around and keeping an eye out.

I stood with him, grabbing a large stick from the floor by a tree, gripping it like you would a baseball bat. Preparing myself to hit whoever or whatever was out there, I steadied my feet and tightened my grip on the piece of wood.

"Josh," I whispered, staring at one spot not far from us between some trees.

"Guys? I think there's someone in the woods!" He called back to others who didn't respond.

"Josh." I repeated, pulling his sleeve this time. He still didn't move or respond, too spooked to do so.

My breathing was even, my heartbeat steady but my hands were sweating and weakening my grip on the wood. I was staring off with a tall, rather muscular person who stood beside a tall, skinny tree.

They're face was covered and they held what looked like a bat axe. They held an axe and their face was covered with a well fitting brown sack.

I shakily breathed out, my gut sinking. "Holy fuck." I muttered to myself, not moving my eyes from the person.

Simon knelt over the grave, apologising in a whisper. It was done. I sighed, but immediately regretted it when the axe wielding maniac I was staring off with charged at Josh and I.

I forced my hand in front of Josh's chest, pushing him out of the way with me as I dropped the stick. The axe maniac from Camp Nightwing ran right past us, not even acknowledging we were there.

"Guys!" I cried out, watching as the man ran towards Sam.

The lot of us began sprinting from the woods, Deena pulling Sam along as the axe just missed her, instead smashing the car window. We all clambered into the ambulance again, Kate driving as we hurried away from the woods and the axe murderer from 1978: Camp Nightwing.

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