Chapter Two: "Rafe Cameron?"

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I woke up in a random room that I know damn well isn't mine, I sat up in the bed quickly. I wish I never did that, because the raging migraine that followed was hell.

"Ow" I groan while resting my hand on my forehead everything was spinning and I think I fell off the bed I felt the cold floor beneath me and gasped. Someone walked in and I heard a low chuckle from the door, I look to my right and see Rafe Cameron eyeing me down.

"Ohmygod" I said to quickly for even me to understand I stood up as fast as I could while holding onto the wall behind me.

"Rafe Cameron?" I questioned, squinting my eyes.

"Yes, you know me?" He said. Of course I know him my brother and his friends hate him.

"Sort of" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Sort of?" He questioned and walked a bit closer to me.

"Yeah, you know from... school" I waved my hands while talking to him. Sorry I can't help it, I do that when I'm nervous and right now I'm very nervous. What the hell am I doing talking to Rafe Cameron.

"Ah, from school huh?" He smirked, nodding his head stepping closer to me. "That's funny, because I graduated last year."

"Oh really, well you know you're a very popular guy." I laugh, nervously. I look down and see that I'm in a Radom oversized shirt. "What happened last night?" I ask, gripping onto the shirt I'm wearing.

"I saved your life." He said, walking closer to me.

"You-what, how?" I questioned getting scared a little, my brother told me how crazy Rafe is.

"You almost fell into the fire, at the bonfire... I caught you." He answered.

"Oh..." I said looking up at him. His hair is all messed up and in his face, he smells really good, and he has pretty eyes.

We stood there for a moment until I spoke up.

"Well... this was an interesting night, I think I should get going." I said walking away from him and heading towards his door.

"Without your pants, love?" He questioned, slowly turning around to face me.

I stopped and looked down, and indeed I wasn't wearing any pants. I turned around and he was leaning on the wall, the corner of his mouth was curled up in a smirk. And his eyes were trailing down my body.

With every stare I felt heat. I got chills and tried to pull down the huge shirt I was wearing, Even though, it was already over my knees.

"Tell me what happened?" I ask finding my shoes and putting them on quickly.

He stopped looking at my body, his gaze now locked with mine.

"After I saved you from almost falling in the fire, you fainted. so I carried you into my car and drove you here, then put you to bed." His smirk grew wider, "But after I put you in my bed you grabbed me and pulled me towards you and told me to take off your clothes."

"What!" I screamed.

"Lemme finish."

"Okay." I said, closing my mouth.

"I said no and told you to go to sleep, but you pulled me in closer and said that you were hot. So you stood up and started to take off your clothes. I grabbed you before you could take off your bra and panties and threw my shirt over you." I looked down at the shirt I was wearing. This is his shirt? No wonder it smelled like him.

"And that was it I just put you to bed and went to go sleep on the couch" he said, uncrossing his arms.

"Oh... well do you know where my clothes are?"

He chuckled and handed them to me.

"Uh, my shirt has vomit on it." I looked at him, an embarrassing look on my face.

"Oh yeah and you puked." He smirked "You can just wear mine" he said.

"Okay, thanks." I put on my pants and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Uh... the door" I pointed to the door "It's locked?"

He looked at the door and then at me and walked towards me, he leaned down, I thought he was gonna kiss me, but he just opened the door.

"Bye." He whispered.

"Adios." I said,  running out the door.

"Ugh..." I groan rubbing my forehead.


I turn around and see John B staring  at me in horror.

"Y/N! What the hell I've been looking everywhere for you!" He complained, opening the screen door for me.

"Shhh... stop yelling." I plead and walk in.

"Where the hell have you been!?" He said following me to my room.

"Johnny I don't feel good right now can you not?" I ask turning around.

"Y/N I was worried about you and so was JJ."

I laughed.

"Oh was he?" I questioned.

"Yes. Now tell me where you were."

"Okay! I passed out at the beach"

"Really? The beach?" John B starts to laugh.

"Yes, now- leave me alone please, I need a shower." I say as I push him out of my room.

I walk to my bed and put my phone down and wallet. I walk to my mirror and stare at my self in Rafe's shirt. It was so big on me and I loved it. I walked to my dresser and grabbed some pajama shorts and socks, I grabbed a towel and walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower.

After 30 minutes of pure bliss I got out and dried my self off, then I grab my ninja turtle pajama shorts and threw Rafes shirt back on.

"Y/N!" I hear Pope call out.

"Yeah?" I answer as I walk out my room.

"Wanna go on a date?" He asked looking at me with questioning eyes.

I looked up from my book I was reading and stared at him for a while, dumbfounded.

"Sure." I said and looked back down at my book.

"Wait really?" He questioned.

"Yeah, sure why not you're my best friend so it'll be fun" I smiled at him.

"Oh... yeah- right" he said. "Well ima catch you later okay... seven?"

"Seven's alright."

"Okay... later." He says with a wide grin.

"Bye, Pope see you at seven." I smile and wave, walking him out. "Don't be late!"

Yay I haven't hung out with Pope in so long, this will be fun to catch up and eat some food together.

I smile to myself, excited.


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