Chapter One: "I Saved You."

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"JJ! Come on we have to go meet up with everyone at the bonfire!"

"Okay, Y/N hold up!" JJ yelled back.

"No! We don't have time for you to finish doing your hair, hurry your ass up!"

"There, see, I'm all done." JJ says as he walks down the stairs.

"Yeah, well you took freaking 2 hours!" I say throwing my hands up in disbelief.

"Hey, you can't perfect magic" he said and grabbed his keys.

"Thanks, JJ now we're late" I said and walked out the door with him.

"M'lady" JJ says as he opens his car door for me.

I smile.

"Thanks" I roll my eyes and get in the truck.

"Finally!" Kiara yelled, her hands in the air with a red cup occupying her left hand.

"Yeah yeah I know. Freaking JJ took forever doing his hair." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah well that's JJ" she laughed and dragged me to the bonfire.

"Holy shit it's wild over here!" I yelled through the music.

"I know right!" Kiara yelled. "Let's get some drinks!" She said, moving her hips to the music.

"Here" I said and gave her a beer, I also got myself one, taking a swig.

"JJ!" Kiara yelled. "Come here!"

JJ smiled and ran over to us.

"Wussup Kie!" JJ smiled and grabbed Kiara around her waist and spinned her in the air.

I just stood there awkwardly watching my boyfriend get close with Kiara. He doesn't even do that with me?

After a couple of seconds JJ let go of Kiara.

"Um, JJ?" I asked.

"Yeah?" JJ turned to face me.

"Do you know where my brother is?" I asked.

"John B? Nah, sorry" he said and faced back to Kiara and they both started laughing together, while they were chatting it up, I left.

I walked to Pope.

"Pope?" I tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around and smiled at me.

"Y/N!" He smiled and hugged me. I think he's drunk.

"Pope" I laughed and hugged him back.

"Pope" I said again.

"Sorry, yeah?" He slurred.

"Um, do you know where John B is?"

"Yeah. He didn't come" Pope said.

"Okay well ima go okay? Have a good time, and let Kiara drive please?" I asked with my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay" he smiled at me.

"Alright. Bye bye" I smiled and waved back to him.

After a while of walking around the bonfire and watching everyone have fun I decided I should have some fun to, even if it's not with my boyfriend. I don't need JJ for everything.

I drink some more beer, I think a little more than I should have. I started stumbling around, everything was dizzy and my head was all fuzzy. I zigzag walked towards the bonfire but as I was walking towards the fire I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Sir" I slurred. And tripped, I was about to fall into the fire when that same person grabbed my wrist before I could fall and pulled me close to them.

"You should really watch where your going." someone whispered in my ear.

I turned my head to see who it was but I couldn't. Everything was so blurry. "Thank you mister." I say as nicely and clearly as I can. I grip my beer bottle tighter in my grasp as I attempt to go for another swig of my drink.

Before I could the man grabbed the beer out of my hand, "That's enough, love." He says.

I start to walk away, wanting to get more beer but my legs had other plans. I tripped over my own feet and face planted in the sand, I groan, "Ooo this is going to lerv-leave a mark." I slur, trying to get up. "I think I'm going to take a nap now." I say.

I feel strong arms wrap around me and now I'm being carried bridal style. "You smell good." I whisper.

"Thank you, beautiful."

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