Missing Mom

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Katya POV

It was midnight and I was sitting on my window watching the beautiful night sky. It was drizzling, the moon was full and you could see the stars decoring the night skies. Also I wanted to wait and see if I could see the quinjet landing, I was the only one in the tower since the rest including my mom went on a last minute mission two days ago. And since I couldn't sleep, I decided to wait for my mom to come back. Two hours had pass and my eyes started to feel heavy, I tried my best to keep them open, but the tiredness win me and I fall asleep. I got up by the rays of the sun that fell directly into my eyes, I look at the clock and see that it was 10:00 a.m. I groan and stand up almost falling on the process because of the position that I sleep on my window. I quickly sit down again and stretch my body to shake up the numbness, while I waited I shouted to FRIDAY "Hey FRIDAY, did my mom and the others arrived yet" "I'm afraid not little miss romanoff. Would you like me to send her a message?" "Yes please, tell her that I'm fine and just waiting for her to come back. Oh and that I love her" "Right away little miss romanoff" I sigh 'Well let's just start our morning routine, shall we' I though to myself. I stand up and went to the bathroom to wash my teeths and made my way to my mom's closet to "borrowed" another one of her hoodies, since the one that I got it doesn't smell like her anymore. I took one of her hoodies and put it on, since I'm short it looks long on me, but I didn't care, since I like them that way. I went to the elevator and ask FRIDAY to take me to the kitchen floor. When I enter the kitchen, I take a deep breath, I hate when mama is out on her missions and doesn't come back in days. I love seeing her in the mornings, and nobody can make me waffles like her, I love those, their my favorite breakfast. I pull that thought aside and make me a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of strawberry/kiwi juice. I jump down on the couch and turn on the tv and put my favorite netflix show 'The Umbrella Academy' I started watching it with mom, but recently she's being really busy with her work. Don't get me wrong, I love that she is out there saving the world, but sometimes I really miss her. After three episodes I got bored and turn off the tv and decided to call mom, to see when she's going to come back. 

I call her and waited to see if she could answer but it just bring me to her voicemail. I sigh "Hi mama, I'm just wanted to let you know that I'm ok and I hope you and everybody else is too... Umm, I watch three more episodes of The Umbrella Academy, please don't get mad at me because of this, I didn't knew what else to watch so I put it. But I really wish that you were here to watch it with me, I miss you, but umm, don't think that I'm being selfish because I know that in the world there is a lot of people who is in danger and need help, so yeah, umm, ok I started babbling stupid things now, so I will just, um shut up. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay...and umm... please remember to just...just...just come back to me, like you always do ok, lyublyu tebya mama. Bye, I hope to see you soon" That last part came more like a whisper, but its the truth. I really hope that she comes back soon. After that I just went and curled up in my mom's bed and started to cry. I being trying to comunicate with her but she hasn't answer me, maybe she is busy with the mission and can't answer me, but her not doing it makes me nervious. What if something bad happen? Will she be able to come back to me? If she alive? To many thoughts came to my head, and I just cried, until I tired myself and fall asleep in my mom's bed. 

Natasha POV

Two days had pass since I haven't seeing, or touch, not even talk to my little girl. I see every single FRIDAY messages of her and every single phone call of her, but I can't answer her, it's to dangerous. And my babygirl is the most precious thing I have in my life, she is the only good thing and I don't want to put her in danger. We were on our way back to the tower and the flight probably was going to be about two or three hours since we weren't to far from New York. I can't wait to arrive and see my malen'kiy pauk (little spider). Her last voicemail broke my heart, she misses me and I miss her too, when she was more little, we use to hang out a lot, and since I became an avenger that had change. But I made up my mind and talk to Tony and tell him that this was going to be my last mission for a long time, my Keyla needed me and I would do anything for my babygirl. 

Time skip to when they arrived

When the quinjet landed I was the first one to go out. I went straight inside and quickly ask FRIDAY "FRIDAY were is my daughter" "Welcome back miss romanoff, your daughter is in your room" "Thanks FRIDAY" I took the elevator and went to my room. When I open the door, I see my daughter curled up on my bed, I smile to myself and went to sit on her side. I look at her more closely I notice that she had one of my hoodies and her face was stained with dry tears on her cheeks and her nose was red. 'Aww my baby'. I started to rub her arm with one hand and with the other I caressed her cheek. I lean down to her face and kiss her on the forehead and whisper to her ear with a sweet calm voice. "Keyla. It's me. It's mama" She quickly open her eyes and turns around to look at me, she puts her little hands on my face and her eyes started to get glossy "Mama?" I took her hands in mine and give them a kiss "Yes malyshka, I'm here" she didn't think twice and jump in my arms and embrace in a tight hug and started to cry. I hold her close to me and rock her back and forward "shshsh don't cry detka, I'm here dorogoy. I'm here now" she pulls away and I hold her face in my hands and caressed her cheeks wiping away the tears, she smiles at me and kiss me on the cheek. We put our foreheads together and stay like that a long time just enjoying each others company. I was the one who decided to pull away and took her hands in mine. "I need to tell you something dorogoy" "Did something bad happen mama?" "No detka, not at all. It's good news" "What news?" "I'm not going to work on missions for a long time malyshka. I'm going to take some free time to be with my most beautiful thing in the world" "Oh, and what it's that. I wonder" She looks at me with a smirk on her face and I just started to tickle her belly "I don't know, probably YOU silly girl" "AHHH MAMA STOP, STOP, PLEASE MAMA I CAN'T BREATH" I stoped and look at her and squish her cheeks and peck her lips (motherly way) "Mama lyubit tebya malyshka (Mama loves you babygirl)" "Ya lyublyu tebya do beskonechnosti i dal'she (I love you to inifinity and beyond) I started laughing because of me squishing her cheeks, it sounded weird "It's that so?" She nods fast "What did I do to deserve a daughter like you" "I don't know but I do know something. Whatever you did it had to be something really good because I'm unique. You can't find any other child like me anywhere else. You won the lottery with me mama. PERIOD" she flips her hair with her hand "Indead I did malyshka. Indead I did" 

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