Chapter 1

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I know, I already have so many uncompleted fanfics, but I just got this idea and decided to write it! This chapter is really boring (my apologies) but I promise it will get better! If you like Ross Lynch, (or Rocky Lynch!) go read my other fanfics!!!


Andddd rocky:

I also have a Greyson Chance fanfic coming soon!!! I love him. So much. I'm married to him. Anywho, here's the first chapter, hope you like it! xx I know it's short, but if you do like it, please fan/vote/comment! & if you have any ideas as to how I could improve my story, or what I should involve in the future chapters, please let me know, otherwise this story may end up like a lot of my old ones. Meaning, I get bored with it after a couple chapters and abandon it... And start another story...

Anyways. Here's chapter 1. :)

Chapter 1

"Cassadee!!" Ross shouted, running into My room and jumping on me.

"Ross!!" I moaned, rolling over and burying my face in my pillow. "Go away."

"Cassadee," Ross whined, wrapping his legs around my waist and lying down on top of me, pushing all of his weight on top of me.

"Ross-- can't breath--" I pinched him.

"I'll get off if you promise to wake up," I could just imagine him smirking at me.


Ross pushed on My back with his hands, pushing any remaining oxygen out of my lungs. "Please?" He asked in a sweet voice.

"F--" was all I could manage. I couldn't seem to form the word "fine" with such little air in my lungs.

Ross lifted his body slightly off of mine for a moment to let me take a breath.

"FINE!!" I shouted.

Ross jumped lightly off of me, situating himself on the floor with a satisfied grin plastered on his face.

I sat up sleepily, rubbing the top of my head and frowning. "Why did you have to wake me up?" I whined. "It's only 7."

"Because I have big news!!" Ross jumped giddily.

"What's the news?" I asked grumpily.

"R5's going on tour!!" He said happily.

I attempted a smile. I really should be happy for him -- after all, he was my best friend! And touring? That was his dream. But.... Touring meant leaving. And that would mean I'd be stuck by myself, for who knows how long...

I couldn't help it. Before I knew what was happening, a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Cassadee?" Ross asked quietly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said quickly, brushing away the tear. "It's nothing."

"Cassadee... I know you're lying. What's wrong?" Ross grabbed my hand.

"If you leave on tour, who'll I have?!" I sounded selfish, but I didn't care. It was true. My mom was always away at her desk job, and my dad? Oh please. He could be in Tokyo for all I know. Or even dead. Ross was my only friend; I'd never let anyone else become close to me. Even Ross didn't know most of my secrets. Exhibit A: my dad is James Bonde.

Maybe I didn't let anyone close to me because I was afraid of loving that person, and then them being taken away. That tended to happen to me a lot.

Since James Bond was my dad (yes, 007, the one and only) I had to move around a lot. I'd never been in the same house for more than a year; the only reason Ross and I stayed close was because (after MUCH begging) my parents agreed to let us live no more than a hour away from him. It was dangerous to never move too far away from the last house, but Ross was the only thing that kept me alive. The only reason I wanted to stay on the miserable planet I call home. I'd rather be murdered by someone and having seen Ross the day before, rather than being perfectly safe but miserable without seeing Ross in a month.

I didn't care.

I truly doubted my parents did, either.

Why, you might ask, do I think that? Oh, I could go on for days as to why!!!!! Well, for example.... Both of my parents have forgotten about my birthday. Four years in a row.

Ross's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "But Cassadee.... I have a surprise for you." He was grinning from ear to ear.

"What?" I tried to sound excited, but by the look on Ross's face, I obviously failed miserably.

"You're coming with us!!"

"What?!" I shouted.

Ross nodded. "I convinced my family to let us take you."

Knowing how much Ross's family disliked me, it had obviously taken a LOT of convincing.

I let out a shrill squeal. "I can't wait."

Ross pushed me. "Dude, I spent a REALLY long time convincing them to let you come!" He grinned. "Give me more enthusiasm!"

I fluttered my eyelashes and jumped, waving my hands around. "Oh yay, oh my gosh, yay, yay yay..."

"That was not better," Ross snickered.

I shrugged. "In case you haven't noticed, I tend to not express my feelings."

"Of course I have, you emotionless potato," Ross poked me.

"Excuse you," I frowned.

Ross grinned like an idiot. "You know I love you."

"Do you?"

"Of course."

"Then say it," I say in Ross's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Cassadee Dinah Bonde, I love you," he gave me a quick peck on my forehead. "So much."

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