Time : 22.15 seconds

Distance : 980.7 meters

"Your ball went even farther than Midorya's!" The boy with the bird head said in shock. Tokoyami, Mina had said his name was.

"That jump scared the crap out of me!" Mina blurted out. 

"What kind of quirk is that?!" Kaminari asked, popping out of the crowd.

You only barely perceived there voices. Did you really shoot it that far?

"Alright, alright." Your teacher started.

Everyone quieted down.

"As you can see, you have all improved to an extent. Some more than others. I expect everyone to take this improvement as a base and aim for way higher throughout the year." He continued.

"Now, class dismissed. All your things are already at the dorms. Y/n and Shinso, meet me at the teachers room after you've gotten your things." He then walked towards Cementoss and started discussing something with him.

After he was finished, everyone started gathering around you.

"So common tell us!" Mina whined in anticipation. "What's your quirk?"

"It could be a creation quirk like Momo's, but it wouldn't explain how she could extend and retract what she created. Yet how did she shoot the ball so far?" Midorya started to contemplate, notebook in hand, not bothering to wait for your answer before spiraling.

"Uhm." You looked around at the class surrounding you. You spotted Bakugo at the back of the crowd, scowling. He didn't make it obvious, but he seemed to be waiting for your answer as well.

To him, you were fresh meat that needed to be sniffed out.

"Well, you see,", you started, Midorya quieting down immediately, along with everyone else, "my quirk allows me to recreate and produce any material that I'm in contact with, using special cells imbedded in my skin."

You lift up your left hand, to show them your ring.

"I was in contact with the ring the whole time, so I could continuously generate the metal it was made out of." You continued. "I can control it and manipulate it at will, but there's a limit, obviously."

"Wait, so you can create any material?" Uraraka asked. "Not just metal?"

"So it is like Momo's quirk." Sero said.

"Not exactly." Todoroki cut in. "Momo can create any object she desires, where as Y/n can only produce a specific material."

He turned towards Midorya. "Right?"

"Seems like it."

"We'd better start heading back, ", Iida announced, "class is over after all."

Everyone gives some sign of agreement, before everyone starts walking back towards the main building. Midorya, along with a few others, stayed near you, clearly not satisfied by the information already given.

"Does the material simply disappear after you're finished with it, or do you, somehow, reabsorb it?" The green haired boy asked, looking at you with big eager eyes.

To be honest, you had only recently gone to a quirk doctor, since there weren't any in Germany or back at camp, so how your quirk worked, was fairly new to you as well.

"Not quite either." You said, trying to remember how the doctor had explained it. "You know those cells? How they work, is they scan the molecular build of the material they are in contact with and can recreate it one atom at a time. It takes anything in my body, that is already made up of atoms and takes those apart to create new ones. "

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