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The first quirk appeared in the Chinese city of Qing Qing.

A baby had all of a sudden started glowing with a bright light. The 'Luminescent baby', they called it. After that, people started getting paranormal abilities all over the world.

No one knew the cause or the reason, but soon, it became the norm to have an ability, a quirk, with the majority of the population having one.

Or at least, most accepted it as the norm.

Many grew fearful of those who posessed this new 'gift' , not trusting the new phenomenon. They thought it was a curse, concentrating more on the rise in villains, rather than the heroes.

Those who had similar views started banding together, gathering under national leaders who shared their opinions. Soon, there were whole countries against quirks.

It didn't take long before the world was divided.

Those who celebrated quirks. They praised those who were heroes and made the most out of the unexplainable gift.

And those who feared this unknown to an extreme, who pushed away anything that could not be explained and cast out anyone connected to it.


You'd say it took about two blinks before you were surrounded.

The first few lessons were mainly for organizational purposes, so, to your relief, it wasn't anything too tasking. But the longer you were there, the more surreal it felt.

Mr. Aizawa revised what was done last year, and what topics and subjects you would be taking this year. Most of them were subjects you'd never even heard of, let alone taken before.

There was a lot you had to catch up on, that was for sure, but you'd make it work. It was obvious, from the beginning, that you would be behind all the others when it came to academics. After all, you haven't been to a proper school since you were nine.

You were focused to the maximum, not wanting to miss a single word, and before you knew it, lunch break came along.

You're not even sure the bell had finished ringing, before most of the class was in front of you. You could see Mr. Aizawa casually leaving the class, through the few gaps there were in the barricade made around you.

Great, so no help from him.

You looked up, a little overwhelmed by everyone's sudden interest.

Most of the girls were right in front of you, a few guys as well. The rest stood outside the crowd, glancing over nonchalantly, but just close enough to be in ear shot.

Just as you were taking it all in, before you could even let out a word, a blur of pink popped out of the crowd, with all the giddiness of a child hyped up on sugar.

"Y/n, right? I'm-" The pink girl attempted to let out, before being stopped in her tracks by a flash of yellow just as wired.

"Were you serious about liking my hair? I mean it's awesome, I know, but-"

My desk neighbor was interrupted, by the pinky pulling him back by his, apparently awesome, hair.

It was, but that's besides the point.

"What do you think your doing? I was talking to her first!"

It didn't feel hostile, though. There was a hint of playfulness behind how they interacted. Like they messed around with each other often.

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