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Gordon Lachance

Throughout my life as a pre-teen I've had four friends and four friends only. Vern Tessio, Teddy Duchamp, and my best friend, Chris Chambers. I say best friend because Chris and I have always shared more together than we did with Teddy and Vern. I guess they felt the same about us.

"I knock." Teddy said.

"What?? You knock already?? Bullshit.." Chris replied, with aggression in his voice. Teddy, Chris, and I were up in the treehouse playing cards and smoking ciggars. Most of our days together were just that. Vern said he broke a vase and had to stay home, classic Vern.

"Yeah. I do." They both put their hands down and I scanned their cards. I had the lowest, meaning I lost, fun.

"Piss up a rope!" I yelled, slamming my card on the crate we used as a table.

Teddy bursted out laughing when he saw my hand, he had the highest. "Ol' Gordie just screwed the pooch! You lost man!"

"Shut up." I replied, getting comfortable in the hammock and grabbing my magazine.

"Ok ok Teddy that's enough.." Chris was almost like a dad to me. The dad I never had, I guess. But whenever I was low or feeling sad Chris always seemed to be there. Our houses were right next to each other after all. Except in one house lies a broken, misunderstood, yet amazing young boy. With a fuck up for a father. And in the other house there's an invisible kid who doesn't know anything about his parents. Well except the fact that they only ever loved Denny and it's a bit overboard calling me their son, I would rather not be. Another thing about my parents that always stood out to me was how my old man always felt the need to remind me about how my friends are all low-life losers that will never get anywhere in life.

Especially Chris, because he's a Chambers kid. Brother to Eyeball Chambers and son to a lazy and drunk asshole for a father. I'll never understand why God put Chris in the Chambers family. He's nice, kind, brave, amazing, helpful, strong-..

"Hey Gordie are you alright? You've been dozing off for some time." And don't forget always there for you.

My cheeks filled with red as the intimidating look of Chris Chambers settled on his face. "Oh um.. Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit of day dreaming."

After it started getting dark we all went home. My thoughts were still in my mind of how I always seemed the invisible boy at my house. It was enough how I got no attention when Denny was still alive but now it's as if my parents don't even know I'm there. At least Denny would treat me like a human being, and not some goldfish. I bet if I got kidnapped they wouldn't notice nor care. Then an idea popped in my mind.. What if I got a girlfriend? Then would they pay more attention to me? My mother always loved Denny's girlfriends. Sadly my old man had to ruin it with football, but there's no way I'm playing football. Not even for them.

The idea of getting a girlfriend struck in my mind again. I mean I'm not that bad looking, how hard could it be? I may not get attention from my dad but a little from my mom is still worth it.

I think these chapters are gonna be pretty short tbh

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