Chapter Nine

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Seraphina winced when she felt a hard kick from the baby. "Ow," Seraphina growled. "What was that about?"

The baby kicked again, moving around in her belly. But this time Seraphina felt liquid running down her legs, soaking her leggings.

"Oh," she commented.

Henry appeared out of thin air and blanched when he saw her heaving. Rushing over to her, he held her hand. "What happened?"

"MY water broke," she snapped. "What do you think is happening?"

"What do I do?" He asked frantically.

"Get me to a hospital," she ordered.
Henry shook his head. "I can't go into a hospital. We'll have to do it somewhere else."

Seraphina pushed her breaths out in tiny bursts of air, just like the midwife told her. "Fine," she said through clenched teeth. "We'll do this the hard way. Get me inside and to a bed."

Henry grabbed her around the waist and was enveloped in the shadows. Seraphina felt cold, though only for a second, she felt despair and loneliness.

When she was back to her present mind, pain laced through her as a contraction began. She grit her teeth and yelled.
Henry guided her over to the bed and laid her down on the unmade bed as another contraction hit. Noting the timing of the contractions, Seraphina reached for Henry's hand and pulled him closer to the bed. "I need fresh blankets and a knife."

He nodded and after a moment of thought, he took off his leather jacket and pulled out a pocket knife. "Alright, now what?"

Letting out a labored breath, she replied through clenched teeth, "I need you to hold my legs up and be ready with your jacket to catch them."

Henry nodded, pale as the dead.

Holding her breath, she pushed through the contraction. She screamed something that would rival the damned.

It seemed like hours of labor before she heard the wails of her child. Henry released a joyful laugh. "It's a girl."

But something wasn't right, she was still in pain. "We're not done," she grit.

Henry looked at her with alarm. "What do you mean?"

"There's another baby," Seraphina told him.

His mouth dropped open for only a second before he began to take off his black v neck t-shirt.

Seraphina screeched as she heard the sound of another baby wailing even louder than the first.

Finally, she laid limply on the bed. Out of breath, she watched Henry cut the umbilical cord on both children. He wrapped them in the clothes he was wearing and one at a time brought them to her.

She held out her arms to accept her children. They both had her dark skin. The girl had dark hair like her mother's and her father's blue eyes. The other child, which she discovered was a boy, had his father's nearly white hair and Seraphina's warm brown eyes.

"Hello my loves," she whispered to her children. "I'm Mommy, and over there is Daddy."

Henry was beaming with pride as he watched them. He got close enough to sit on the bed beside her. She tried to scoot over as much as she could so he could sit beside her. "They're beautiful," He whispered.

Seraphina looked over at him, feeling love in all of her being. It had to have been the best moment of her life. "All thanks to you."

Henry scoffed. "This had nothing to do with me, this was all you." He paused to watch them wriggle in their makeshift blankets. "What are we going to name them?"

After only a moment of thought, Seraphina smiled down at her children. "Charlotte and Elias," she said softly. Looking up at Henry, who was smiling down at her.

"I like that," he replied. "Charlotte and Elias."

Seraphina looked down at her babies, feeling Henry wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Maybe we can give them a happier life than the originals."

Henry kissed the side of her sweaty head. "I know we will."

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