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I woke up to the sound of the smoke alarm going off. Panicking I fly down the stairs and go to the kitchen too see my mom standing on a chair, flapping an oven mitt over the alarm trying to get it to stop screaming. I look over to the stove to see the atrocity that was supposed to be breakfast.
"Hey wanna give me a hand to shut this thing up before your dad wakes up?" She asks out of breath. Still standing there in shock of the whole situation, I breathe in and out trying to grasp the situation.
"I think dad would be better help than me." I say as I go over and turn off the burners to the stove and turn off the oven.
"You're not wrong about that, but I was trying to surprise him." She gets off the kitchen chair once the alarm stops.
"I'm sure he would be surprised." I say as I throw away all the food that is now charcoal. She laughs at what I say. I don't know what she was thinking trying to cook food for him we both knew that she couldn't cook. Something is up what, occasion would she be cooking for him for? Did she get a promotion? I mean that's good, but not breakfast worthy more of a 'let's go out to eat for dinner tonight!' kind of thing. I stare at her trying to figure what she's up to.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asks confused.
"Are you dying?" I ask having no other explanation for this situation. She looks at me in shock that those words left my mouth, but what better am I supposed to know as a teenager.
"No, I am not dying." She says offended.
"Okay then what is going on? Why are you cooking breakfast for dad?" I persist. She turns off the water finishing the dishes and puts her hand on her hip. Oh no I'm done for.
"Laurene Moore." Full name. I better run now. She steps closer and I step back.
"Why can't I just cook breakfast for my family, and it not be so shocking to the point that you think I'm dying?" I look at my feet not knowing what to say I didn't think she would be this upset. We all know she can't cook, she's even admitted to it multiple times, so why is she on my case right now? Is she dying and wants to tell dad first, then break the news to me?
"Leave the poor kid alone, you cooking is weird and you should know that firsthand." I look up to see my dad at the entrance to the kitchen.
"Dad!" I yell happy that he's, my savior. I run to him giving him a big hug.
"Thank you for saving me." I whisper in his ear. My dad always comes in and saves me from my mom. Not that I need saving, but she could be a little strict. My dad is more relaxed, he wants me to live my life how I want to live it not how other people want me to live my life including my mom. My dad made sure to always include me in all decisions. What we were eating for dinner, how we should decorate the house for all holidays, what I wore to school every day since kindergarten (which probably wasn't the best idea). Of course, my mom wants those things for me too, but she intervenes in whenever she can, her intentions were good, but not what my dad wanted.
"Now that we're all awake and the house is not on fire, lets go get breakfast in celebration of us still having a house." My dad announced as we finished up cleaning up the kitchen.
My mom sighed as she started the dishwasher. "I'll give in this time." She said defeated.
"Yay! Mr. Williams waffles!" I yell as I run up to my room to get ready for breakfast. Mr. Williams always makes the best waffles, and I never miss the opportunity to have them. I quickly get ready throwing on jeans and a hoodie; I go to find my parents to tell them I'm ready. They're not in the living room or their room so I go and check dad's study. I knock on the door lightly and it opens on its own. He must've forgotten to shut it all the way before he came in. I find dad standing by the window on the phone talking worriedly with a serious look on his face. I hope it's not his job again. Last time he almost got fired because I was in the hospital with a broken leg and left work right away his boss was not very happy with that even when my dad tried to make her see things from his point of view she wouldn't budge. She let him off with a warning but told him to make sure it doesn't happen again. He didn't tell me all of this himself I heard mom and dad talking about it when I was sleeping, or at least they thought I was sleeping. Mom was upset and apologized for calling him freaking out about my leg, and my dad was upset that she didn't call him sooner, he said that he didn't care if he lost his job if we are safe and healthy that's all he needs. I go to walk out of his study to go find mom and tell her I'm ready, but I don't even get to shut his door before I hear something fall to the floor. I look over to where my dad was standing see that he is no longer standing but on the ground. The scream that left my mouth will forever haunt my mom.
"Laurene!" I hear my mom shouting, but my eyes wouldn't leave my dads limp body.
"Laurene, go get the phone and call 911!" I couldn't move.
"Laurene!" She kept shouting for me, but I wasn't moving. I could now see the blood trickling on the floor from dad's head. My mind was blank. I wasn't the hero I thought I was, why can't I get up and help dad?
 He needs me, I need to save him!
 Laurene move!
Save dad!
 He needs you!
"Laurene wake up we have to get inside." I heard a calming voice say as they shake me awake. I wake up from my bad dream to see that we were still in the woods in front of the house with the wolves. I look around to see that the wolves were gone. I get out of the car and follow the man and women that freed me, inside the mysterious house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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