The eye of the storm

Start from the beginning

Upon arriving at his hotel suite, he took his luggage and pack up the clothes he had taken out to hang in on the closet. When his fingers touched the bulk in one of his suits he realized that those blasted things from Lin Zi Hong were still in his possession. He was thinking of taking it out of his suit pocket and throw on the trash bin, but upon remembering his dad's face... he couldn't take to do it.

So instead of folding it to be included in his luggage, he tosses it on the bed for he would take a shower first and decide on what to do with those boxes. He immediately took a shower and was planning on buying YU some souvenir somewhere nearby when he heard someone knocking on the door. He doesn't have to wonder who it is for only Bing Wei was given access from the reception area. He dries his hair briefly and wraps himself in a bathrobe.

He wonders why the guy was here. He must have some papers for him to sign that digital signature wasn't acceptable. He opens the door and a haggard Bing Wei came into his view. "Thank God you are still here Mr. Lin. Sir, can I enter?" The man breathlessly asked. 

Sam steps to the side and gives way to his assistant then gently shuts the door behind him. "Do you need my signature on something?" Sam asked as he follows the man who sat on a chair trying to calm himself.

"No, Mr. Lin. I wouldn't have speed drive here to make sure you haven't left San Francisco yet if it is just your signature, sir." Bing Wei explained. Sam frowns down from his position but lets the man explain first. "Just a few minutes after you left the office, someone from the new SF beta team informed me that we have our first code red samples to be rescued on Cayucos in San Luis Obispo County. There are three of them at the same time. This is the first time we got this kind of situation even back in Taiwan. The POCs were ready but they need guidance and everyone is in panic mode again since this is their first time."

Sam was startled for a moment. Shit. This is not good. "A hurricane is about to come tomorrow. This is a dangerous situation, are the POC been deployed already? What the heck are they doing waiting for me?" 

Bing Wei immediately explained. "They are already on the way using one of Cache's chopper. Mrs. Gregory however has told me to ask if it is possible for you to follow. The entire team will be at ease once they find out you were there to guide. They needed you, Sir. So do the three code red cases. Once something out of protocol was done, it will be dangerous."

Sam didn't know why he wanted to go ballistic as of this moment. Why was this is happening to him? He looks at his phone resting on the nightstand and thinks of Yusuke. His boyfriend needs him and if he stays there is a huge chance he will be back home later than what was promised. He was Sam's priority. But if he leaves his team right now in this kind of situation, what kind of leader is he? 

He closed his eyes and let his hand rest over his forehead. After a few seconds, he looks back to Bing Wei and asked. "Is the chopper for us ready yet?" Bing Wei shakes his head and answers, "Not yet, sir. But it will be available in a few minutes on the rooftop. So we can fly as soon as possible to avoid the bad weather that is about to come."

Sam released a heavy sigh and nods. "Then will you mind leaving me alone for a moment and makes sure to message me once the helicopter has landed?" Bing Wei nods his head and exited his suite.

He finally let the tears fall down. Sam missed YU so much already and the feeling of fear and dread is yet to leave his heart. He just hopes that he made the correct decision. He hopes so.

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