13·♡·Mha react

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"No can do little bro"

"Actually you can, because you did it once and you can do it again." Katsuki finishes walking away as the hero stops in his tracks.


"Suki can we-" Toga starts but is cut off.

"No now fuck off" He finishes

"But Suki I really wanna-"

"Can you stop for fucksakes!? give up, give up this act, you don't care and you never did. So you and Hawks can go run off again and I WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK." Katsuki eyes tear up,"I'm not that same little boy anymore, so don't go pretending everything's all good, you fucking left and DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE. DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE YOU CARE NOW" He finishes as tears roll down his cheeks.

"I know Kat but I- no me and Kei are very sorry, and we shouldn't have left you like we did." Toga says as she wipes his tears.

"Whatever just leave me alone" Katsuki mumbles as Toga let out a sigh.

"I Love you Kat" Toga says as the portal comes.


Half of class 1A sits with tears, Bakugou cringing at the video, Hawks and Toga with their head down, and everyone else is shocked.

"Didn't expect that" Dabi mumbles

"Young Bakugou is that video true?' Allmight asks.

"What does it look like"

"Kacchan, you never told me you had siblings" Deku says beside the blonde.

"Because I don't have siblings" Katsuki huffs.

"Suki, I thought you forgave us" Toga speaks tearing up.

"Well let's calm down and react some more" The purple haired girl speaks as the screen shows again.

Katsuki sits on the floor crying.

Katsuki cringes at the sight

"Katsuki do you-" a voice stops as they see Katsuki crying, the boy runs to the crying boy.

"Who is he?!" Deku asks

"What happened? Do I need to call Eren and Mori to kill anyone" The bluenette asks the now laughing blonde.

"KILL" the people in the room scream

"No I'm fine, Kags" the blonde reassures after calming down.

"I'm still gonna call the group" Kageyama says as he texts the gc really quick.

"Kags why would you do that!?"

"Why not"

"They will literally kill someone"

"And I'll drink my milk and watch" Kageyama says as Katsuki laughs.

"I've never seen Kacchan laugh like that" Deku points out.

"I have" Todoroki and Kirishima speaks as the class groans.

"What happened I'm here" Naruto rushes in the rest behind him.

"You meant we're here" Eren corrects him.

"Yeah sure"

"I was in the middle of gambling" Yumeko says as she blushes.

°Bakubottom·Shots°Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz