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The brothers duo of Dwarka stepped down from the white chariot with an yellow flag on top.

King of Anga let out in surprise, " Keshav!! Mahabali Balram!! "

They both stepped down from the chariot and approached Karna who by now collected himself from the initial shock and joined his palms in welcoming them, " It's Anga's honor to welcome you both....."

Balram gave a curt node whereas Krishna asks in a playful tone, " Won't you call us inside?? "

Karna replied smiling, " Please grace my home with your presence!! "



Karna led them both to a guest chamber and said politely, " Please rest for a while and by lunch I will inform princess Yamika about your arrival!! "

Krishna asks observing his tired eyes, " Vrisha....were you not in Anga?? "

" I was in Hastinapur after Rajasuya Yajna and just came back only!! "

Now that got Balram's attention, " Does that mean you left Yaamii alone here?? "

Karna gaped his mouth not expecting such an enquiry and managed to answer, " She was not alone and she do have maids to assist here...."

Karna couldn't complete that sentence seeing the hard look on Balram's face intensifying which made Krishna enjoy the drama unfolding.

Balram demanded, " I want to see my Yaamii right now!! Take me to her chamber.... "

With that he already walked out of the chamber making Krishna and Karna wordlessly follow him. Karna asks in a low voice to Krishna, " Keshav....What made you both visit Anga without any notice beforehand? "

Krishna shrugged, " Ah nothing important...I just informed Jyesht what Yaami told us back in Indraprastha!! "

Karna narrowed his eyes not understanding what he meant and Krishna huffed out, " Ah Vrisha!! do you forgot of Yaamiii declaring her decision of never ever talking to Jyesht  only cause of he didn't showed up in Indraprastha to see her!! "

Karna gaped his mouth at Balram whose shoulders slumped in defeat hearing those words and says, " But Keshav...that was a joke, she didn't meant it...."

All of sudden Balram stopped in his track and looked both krishna and Karna. Feeling Balram's heavy suspicious gaze on him Krishna stammered out, " Ye...yes...that was a joke....but...but how can I stay calm in Dwarka after my Yaamiii got sad enough to not to even glance on my way let alone talk.....I want to see my little princess!! "

Balram groaned out loud, " So kanha you just tricked me to come here!! All the while I were worried not knowing how to pacify my Yaami for nothing......but infact it's you should be worried!! Good!! Very good!! "

Krishna passed a sheepish smile at Balram and Karna stood amused. A lady voice got their attention, " Maharaj....when had you return?? "

Karna turned to Malini who had a pleasent smile seeing him and soon her eyes filled with confusion seeing other two men with godly aura along her King.

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