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Karna passed a death glare at him saying angrily, " if you dare to speak one more word against my wife, I will cut that filthy tongue from your mouth...... "

Everyone looked Karna in shock, But Yamika heard only one word from what he spoke, ' my wife '

Duryodhan immediately stood up from his seat and tried to calm Karna by saying, " Mitr calm down......he is my friend....."

Those words only fueled Karna's anger as he turned to Duryodhan saying, " Who told you he have the authority to insult my wife just because he is your friend?? "

Duryodhan shocked by that reply and fell back on his throne losing all his strength, whereas Pandavas shocked to the core seeing Karna talking back to Duryodhan for the first time. Yamika smiled in tears hearing ' my wife ' again.

Shakuni gritted his teeth angrily and whispered to his nephew, " Putr.....this is why I told you to make them split apart....look now what happened, your mitr became a puppet of that Yadava Kumari......"

Duryodhan didn't heard anything Shakuni told, Karn's words were like harsh slap on his face that he lost his senses. Sure he is hurt beyond anyone could ever expect, having arguments and small fights between them is not something new, But this is too much....his dearest mitr shouted at him, that too infront of all Pandavas, his enemies......

Karna turned to Yudhishtir and asked not at all trying to pitch down his angry voice, " Samrat...... Queen of Anga is here cause you requested for her presence and  is this for what you invited her specially?? "

Yudhishtir shocked as he didn't expected such a question. Before he could answer Shishupal who rose from the floor interfered them,

" You dare you to touch me?? Chedi declaring war against Anga...."

Karna turned to him with a smirk and said, " Accepted...."

Yamika flinched on the word ' war ' feeling like she is the root cause of it. Elders got upset seeing the situation going out of hand.

Most of the Kshatriya Kings who were always jealous to the Suta King supported Chedhi King, " We are all will be on your side Shishupal......"

Karna looked them all not losing that menacing smirk and declared, " Come with all of your's entire force in the battlefield....I will be waiting!!  "

Sensing Yamika panicking beside them Subhadra and Draupadi held her hands in support to calm down the younger. All those Kings taken aback gulping their fear down at the confidence in Karna's eyes, They couldn't help themselves from recalling the incidents of Bhanumati's Swayamvar......

The way Karna single handedly defeated them all.....How they all ran for their lives!! How brutally they got injured by the hands of mighty king of Anga!! How pathetically they all begged for their lives!!



All of them gulped in fear recalling the taste of defeat they once had. All others took notice of the frightful expression taken over their proud faces and, Krishna and Karna mockingly smiled at them. A voice boomed in there,

" Enough!! "

Everyone looked Duryodhana who stood with a serious face. Duryodhan in a stern voice informed Shishupal, " Shishupal..... Just for you to know if you insist this war, Karna won't be alone in the battlefield.......

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