Fuzzy Cuddle Bear

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The next day found the entire 99th precinct eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new captain.

Amy seemed psyched, you on the other hand, were having a hard time coming to terms with the loss of freedom that this surely meant for the squad.

Captain McGintly had practically allowed you and Jake's childish antics to become a menace, it was an arrangement that worked for everyone. Now, you'd probably get stuck with some rule following, well mannered, robot.

The day before, Terry had taken one look at you and decided it was best if you were benched for the day. Thay was fine by you, as it left you time to throw paper airplanes full of skittles at Scully and watch him scramble for the contents.

Today though, you had to actually be productive instead of playing with the plethora of toys on Jake's desk and pretending to work.

Not having the advantage of a hangover sucked.

Your day started with the investigation of an electronic store robbery with Santiago and Peralta.

Unfortunately a tech store was full of distractions that not only you, but also Jake couldn't pass up.

"This Job is eating me alive"

"I can't breath anymore"

"I spent all these years trying to be the good guy,the man in the white hat"

"I'm not becoming like them"

"I am them"

You and Jake traded off lines until Amy interrupted, "hey! What are you doing, weirdos?"

"We're doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco" Jake explained, lifting his arms as if to say it was obvious.

"Actually, ten of us are doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco" you grinned, pointing at the multiple monitors surrounding the two of you. Jake looked into the camera goofily "Suuup?"

"Get it together, guys. Okay?" She turned back to the salesman "so the store was hit about two hours ago. They took mostly tablets, laptops, and cameras.-"

*80s hip-hop beat begins playing*

Amy turned to find Jake having moved over to the keyboard, bobbing his head to the beat. He was joined shortly by you, jokingly twerking to the music from your corner.

Jake noticed Amy glaring at him and switched it off, "Sorry"

She ignored him and focused back in on the man "I'd like a list of all your employees, whoever had access to the store. I'd also like to apologize for my partners, their parents didn't give them enough attention."

"Uh detective" you interrupted "I already solved the case, we're looking for three white males, one of whom has sleeve tats on both arms"

"And how do you know that?" She asked in disbelief.

"She had an informant on the inside. He's been here for years. Watching, learning, waiting." Jake cut in, "his code name? Fuzzy cuddle bear" he said, grabbing the stuffed animal dramatically. He turned it over to reveal the bulky camera on the inside

"he's a nanny cam" you grinned

Amy scoffed "ugh, you got lucky"

"No, We got here five minutes before you, and figured that in this gigantic electronics store, there had to be at least one working camera" Jake explained.

You grabbed the camera and hooked up the footage to one of the monitors "oh! Hi bad guys👋. You did it Fuzzy, you busted 'em"

Jake took the bear from you "It's time to come home"

"I'm not sure if I can" he said in a much darker voice as Fuzzy "I've been undercover so long, I've forgotten who I am."

You snatched it back and did the same voice "I have seen terrible things, I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons"  

"Alright" Santiago turned away from you and walked out the door.

"Detective Santiago! Don't walk away from me!" Jake finished, trying to take the bear back again.

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