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A week before college

Tsutomu's POV

"Alrighty, I got my clothes away." I mumbled to myself while I heard my phone ringing. I looked over to see who was calling. "Huh, oh wait. I was supposed to call Shira and Layla. They're going to be mad." I thought. I picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Tsutomu are ya done unpacking yet?" I heard Layla ask. "Yea, just got done and y'all are on speaker, so my roommate can hear if y'all start yelling," I said cautiously.

"Oh well, ya still coming to the cafe right?" Shirabu asked. "Why is he so calm?" I wondered. He usually isn't so calm when he somewhere new with alot of people. Maybe because he jut wants an excuse to leave.

"Uh, yea. I'll be there in 15-20 minutes. See y'all," I responded. I hung up, put on a sweatshirt to cover my arms, and went back into the living room. I saw that Koganegawa was still on the couch.

"Ya heading out?" he asked. I nodded and got my shoes. I don't know why I've been so quiet around him, but I bet I'll warm up to him. After all, we'll be spending the whole year together.

"I'll be back later, so I can bring back dinner. Ya can text me what ya want later. See ya," I waved goodbye and left. I saw him wave after me.

I got on a bus headed near the cafe. I got off the bus and went to the cafe. I went in and saw Shirabu and Layla at a table.

"There ya are, Tsu," Layla said when she saw me. Shirabu looked and waved me over. I ordered a donut and a coffee, and walked over to them. Layla had a tea and bagel and Shirabu had an espresso and a muffin.

"What took ya so long?" Layla asked. I shrugged her off and took a bite of my donut.

"Who's yer roommate?" Shirabu asked as he took another bite of his muffin.

"I got Kanji Koganegawa. Shira, do ya know what high school he played at?" I asked.

"Date Tech. He was a setter and part of the Iron Wall, so he was also a middle blocker," he responded I nodded and asked 'bout their roommates.

"Well, I got one of my friends from high school. Her name is Kanoka Amanai," Layla said, taking a sip of her tea.

"I remember her," Shirabu said, of course he knew her. "Anyway, I got Eita Semi from our old high school team." Why on Earth are ya irritated by that?

"Ey Shira, don't ya have a crush on Semi-senpai?" I asked teasingly. I punched my arm and never responded.

"Oh, y'all mean that ash-blonde. Yea, Ken, ya did have a crush. Don't ya still do?" Layla asked, trying to get on his nerves.

"Oi shut up," a flustered Shirabu shot back. "Ya both are lucky that we're in public otherwise I'd beat ya both." I froze when I heard that, but Layla kept playing trying ta get him to break, and admit he has a crush on his roommate.

"Oh come on Kenjiro, we all know that ya like yer roommate," Layla kept teasing him, and Shirabu's face kept getting an even darker shade of red.

"Haven't ya had a crush on Kanoka since yer first year?" Shirabu shot back, quieter than usual.

"Oi, shut up," Layla snapped.

"Ya started it."

"Ya, cause yer funny when we pick on ya."

"Shut up Layla."

"Come on, Ken."

"Alright, shut up."

"No can do, Ken."

"Both of ya shut up. Ya both are young adults, not freaking middle schoolers," I said, hoping they would both shut up.

"Says the kid who still can't swear since Tendo said that ya should stay innocent 'til yer 21," Shirabu stated, going back to his muffin. Once Layla heard that she bursted out laughing.

"Ya can't lose yer innocence because of yer middle blocker," she said while still laughing her head off. "Well, at least they're not arguing anymore," I thought, relieved.

"Hey Shira, did ya stop?" I asked, pointing at his arms.

"Oh yea, I stopped during the summer. I realized I really didn't have a reason to anymore. Also, Stacy helped me out, so there's another reason," he replied. (Alright so, Shirabu has younger siblings, at least in this au. Stacy is 7 years younger and the twins are 10 years younger. Haitsu is, born a male, a non-binary and the older twin, while Hatsu is the younger male twin.) "Ya should also try to stop. I mean we can tell that ya haven't stopped. Why else would ya be wearing a sweatshirt when it's still summer?" Layla explained. I shrugged it off, knowing they are right, but who would be able to help. I snapped out of my thoughts when I got a text.

"Who's texting ya?" Shirabu asked. I looked at my phone and what time it was 4:58 p.m. Koganegawa texted me.

"It was Koganegawa-kun, he wants to know if I'm still picking up dinner or if he's just going to make dinner," I answered. "I also thought I would text first," I thought.

"He cooks, and y'all aren't dating? I'm the only one of us three who can actually cook a meal that's not microwaveable or in Ken's case, easy to get out of the package," Layla exclaimed. It's true though. Shirabu loves food, but he can't cook. I can only make microwaveable meals, so we're both stuck. Layla can cook, but she tries not to. "Wait, she said dating." I thought.

"I seriously met him today after 2-3 years of not seeing him and knowing nothing about him," I replied.

"Can we talk at the park? I wanna play," Shirabu wined.

"Ah yes, the grown child is being a baby. We probably should be heading back though," Layla said.

"Yea, Shira, we can go to the park tomorrow. We have to head back to the dorms," I said agreeing with Layla. I texted Koganegawa that he can text me what he wants from the store nearby, and I can pick it up. Shirabu glared at us, but sighed and nodded.

"Now ya can be forced to talk to yer roommate," Layla said, teasingly on our way out.

"Ya can also hang out with yer roommate crush," Shirabu shot back. While they were arguing with each other, I snuck off to get dinner for Koganegawa and me. I got our dinner and headed back. Just thinking about...

...Would my highschool crush
Ever like me back?

Word Count: 1108

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