Chapter 1

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Connie's POV

"Connie Connie Connie." Sasha said as she poked my head, I swat her hand away. "What?" She stared into my eyes for a moment. "Why don't we hang out at your house anymore?" Sasha asked.

Everyone seemed to glance towards me. "Yeah, why don't we ever go over anymore? It's been so long." Jean added. "Your little brother and sister are probably so big now too." Armin added.

"Oh yeah those losers are big, Sunny is in 7th grade and Martin is in 8th." I explain, I don't want them to come over since y/n lives with us.

"Let's go to Connie's house today, instead of mine or Mikasa's." Eren said it like it was his best idea. Mikasa nodded. "It would be a nice change, what about it Connie?" Armin asked.

I just stared at them all. "I can ask, but I'm not sure if my mom will say yes." I lied. I know she'll say yes. She always bugs me, complaining that they never come over anymore.

I pull my phone out and call my mom. The phone rung twice before she picked up. "Is something wrong sweetie? Why are you calling me in the middle of the school day?"

"Everything is fine Mom. I was calling to ask if my friends can come over after school today." I hope she understood that I want her to say no. Everyone anxiously waited for my mom to answer.

"Maybe not today sweetie, this weekend they can come over." She said. I slumped in my seat. I wanted her to just say no but she said yes for another day.

"Connie don't be too upset. She said yes for another day so it's fine." Armin smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. "I'm excited to see Sunny and Martin." Sasha smiled. I bet she is.

"Yeah, you're right." I lied with a smile. I really hope y/n isn't home when they come.

"Sunny and Martin will be on the high school campus soon, how are you feeling about that?" Jean asked, I shrugged. "I don't mind. They have their own groups so it's not gonna bother me. Plus I can mess with them at home and at school." I joked.

"We can pull pranks on them all of the time when they're on this side." Sasha excitedly said. I chuckled as I nodded.

It's the end of the day now and I'm on my way home. I need to convince y/n to be out of the house on Saturday. I'm sure she can make plans with her friends.

She has a lot of friends so it won't be too hard. I don't think she's ever had friends at our house either. y/n is probably scared for the same reason I am. A household with three Paradis students and one Marley student.

I'm not only afraid of them hating because she goes to Marley. I'm scared that my friends will think she's attractive. I know she's popular at Marley so there's a good chance she'll be popular amongst my friends.

I unlocked the door to my house and walked in. Sunny and Martin sat in the kitchen doing homework. I can barely see them from the front door. "I'm home." I yell.

"No one cares." y/n yelled back. How did she get here before me? She gets out later than me. I rolled my eyes and wandered into the kitchen. "Hey you two, how was class?" They both muttered a small okay and went back to doing their work.

I wandered down the hallway by the stairs, looking for my mom. Heavy footsteps made themselves down the stairs. "Your parents are out." y/n said as she leaned over the stair case. "Stop running down the stairs before you break them." I mutter.

"Yeah whatever baby cousin. I'm heading out. I'll be at Pieck's house if Auntie asks." She smiled and waved a goodbye to us all before leaving.

y/n's POV

I walked outside and down the street, waiting for a familiar car to pull up. "y/n!" Pieck yelled from the back seat of the black convertible. Porco is driving, meaning Marcel is giving him lessons.

I hop into the back behind Marcel who sat in the passenger seat. "Are we sure Porco isn't going to kill us?" I asked as I leaned forward in between the two boys.

Porco shoved my face back with a huff. "We'll be fine, I can drive well. Better than you two." Porco complained as he dissed his girlfriend and myself. "Wow Pieck, you gonna let him talk about you like that?" I laughed.

"Just shut it Springer." Porco complained. "Whatever man." I sank into my seat and looked out the side of the car. Watching all of the cars we passed.

I eventually realized that we aren't actually going to Pieck's. "Where are we going?" I asked. Pieck smiled at me. "The beach!" She exclaimed.

"I am not dressed for the beach, why didn't anyone tell me we were going there?" Everyone shrugged. "Zeke talked about going so of course Yelena made a whole plan to go." Marcel explained.

"But why did no one tell me? And who's going?" I asked. Porco shrugged. "Yelena told us not to tell you, why? I have no idea." Pieck explained.

I let out a small huff. "I think everyone's going. Other than Udo, Zofia, Annie, Bertolt and Onyankopon." Marcel said as he checked his phone. "Why can't they go?"

"Udo has homework and Zofia's mom simply said no. Annie is supposedly hanging out with someone. Bertolt needs to help his dad with something while Onyankopon just doesn't like the beach." Marcel said, still reading off of his phone.

"I don't either." I complained. "That's probably why Yelena said not to tell you. We have extra clothes for you though." Porco added. "Yeah whatever." I complained.

As soon as we arrived to the beach, Porco parked next to out friends cars. They were all already on the sand or in the water while us four still needed to change.

We walked to the bathrooms with all of the clothes we need to change into. Only three bathrooms were opened so Pieck pulled me into the room with her.

"Here." She hands me a small bikini. "I am not wearing that." I mutter. "Just put it on. Niccolo or Reiner will probably give you a sweater or something if you ask for one." Pieck shoved the bikini at me.

I sighed and grabbed it. We both quickly changed without a thought and left the bathroom. The two boys awaited us. "You look nice." Marcel teased as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Whatever creep." I muttered. We both chuckled as all four of us put the stuff we didn't want on the beach into the car. After that we made our way onto the sand to look for our friends.

I quickly noticed two tall blondes, being Yelena and Zeke. I ran up to them and tackled Yelena. "Ack." She screeched as she shoved me away. As soon as she realized it was me she looked at what I was wearing and smirked.

"You actually wore it." She started to laugh. "I literally hate you." I spat out as I walked away and sat beside Reiner and Colt. "No Bert or Annie?" I asked Reiner. He shook his head. "Annie's with a friend and Bertolt is helping his dad." I nodded.

"You two bored of watching your kids?" I joked. They chuckled as they shook their heads. "I'm glad Falco has a friend to play with so I don't have to play with him." Colt explained.

And our beach trip was surprisingly calm. Pieck and Porco did try to mess with me for a while but it was fun.

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