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Aria~ as Sadie Sink

Aria~ as Sadie Sink

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

This is what I imagine Arias style to be like a lot of hoodies and shorts, hoodies are like her comfort blanket even if it is warm. She would also wear really chill clothes like joggers and all that, she isn't really the fancy clothes type.

 She would also wear really chill clothes like joggers and all that, she isn't really the fancy clothes type

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Aria was of course known on the OBX as John B little sister, however not fully. Aria hated the fact they had separate mums, their father, Big John, had an affair which led to John and Aria being born around 2 and a half months separate. Aria never knew her mum until the age of 12. She lived a happy life with her brother and father, they spent most there days watching there dad lost in his research over the royal merchant. It was her 12th birthday, she spent most her day playing with john b with her new dance shoes putting on mini shows for him and her father when he wasn't doing his research. It was all going well until a rather large range rover pulled up along with a cop car, out stepped a rather tall lady with the same curly, crimped hair as Aria and hazel eyes. She seemed powerful dressed all in white with some sort of designer bag, the Routledge's weren't used to designer things. Unknown to her the woman was her mother, along with her step father who she would soon begin to loath. The social services stood beside them shoving a piece of paper into her beloved fathers hands. The pure look of horror was a signal for her and john to start running, but before they could she was swooped up and thrown in the back of the large car. She could hear the screams of her brother and father as she was forced away by her mother.

She spent 4 years of her life in Nassu, in a large house, if the people from OBX saw it she would be labelled as kook. This was of living was not for her, she never cared for fancy things or private planes the only thing she longed for was the safety of the cut. She spent her first 5 months attempting to run every chance she got, however being only 12 and security surrounding your house it was near impossible. Her step dad was nothing but scum, it was plain obvious to her he cared for nothing else but for her to obey him and live up to her mother standards. What none of them could see was that she was nothing like her mother, looks maybe, but thoughts, personality, emotions, she was her father through and through. The amount of times she tried to explain that to Andrew only caused him to lash out and poke her with a burning cigar or slap her so hard she would feel nausious. Sometimes its safer to suffer in silence and live with it. That was until she heard the news through the tv of her fathers disappearance it was the look on her mothers face that made her freak out even worse, she begged and pleaded to call John be but was told it was forbidden, she didn't eat for days, nor leave her room. She could hear her mother on the phone most nights yelling at some man called Ward saying he took it to far and that it wasn't meant end this way. The worst part of it all was her mother shared no interest in consoling the torn apart girl she just watched as Aria broke down and screamed in the night. Had she really felt nothing. It was possibly 5 months until Aria started speaking to anyone properly and her mother over time became more and more friendly until one evening she sat her daughter down explaining her and Andrew had a huge opportunity on the OBX.

She knew this would come with rules and regulations, she looked at her waiting for them. Her mother cleared her throat demanding she wouldn't speak nor go near her brother or friends. She knew it was best not to argue against the wicked woman but to just nod in agreement. She knew that she was gonna see her brother weather she had to fight the whole island to get to him.

Little did John b know his little sister was no longer the little girl who used to play with barbie's...

falling deep- JJ MaybankNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ