
61 5 9

TW: Bullying, Swearing (?),eating disorder

886 words.


"I took my bag and started walking. I was still angry at my mother. Of course i couldn't do anything about it. 'Cause she's the adult here'" George thought to himself

He took his phone and headphones out and plugged them in. And started playing music.

Lovelytheband - broken. is playing

George liked that song. It reminded him of his life kinda.

It took him about 20 minutes to get to school since he never took the bus.

When he finally arrived it was already 7:30. He still had 30 minutes. That was nice..!

He put his phone and headphones into his bag and walked inside the building.

Just as he walked inside he was pushed against the lockers. He looked at the boy who pushed him. Of course it was clay.

Clay was a bad person. He bullied people. Was mean to the teachers. But suprisingly had good grades. He never knew how but it didn't matter.

"Hey Georgie! I hope you didn't forget to do my homework."

"I didn't forget" I kinda hissed at hum. "But I'm not your slave so i didn't do it." I knew i would get beaten up anyway. I didn't give a fuck anymore.

"Oh, You know what happens when you don't do what i order you do!" He hissed at me.

"Yes i know. I get beaten up. Like i didn't know that you beat me up everyday I'm at school bitch." I always atleast tried to fight back. I wasn't a pussy.

He kicked me five times in my stomach. It started to hurt i was used to the pain by now. "Fuck you. You better learn to obey me you bitch" He hissed at me again. And walked off.

Clay was one of the 'PoPuLaR BoYs' and all the girls thought he was SoOOo hot.

I slowly stood back up and started walking to my locker. Just as i was infront of my locker i opened it and took my books out. I decided to sit on a bench since i had like 20 minutes left before class started. I sat on some random bench i saw and opened my phone. I scrolled through twitter for some time until i had 5 minutes before class.

I started walking through the now crowded hallways to my class room. I had maths today as my first class. I was pretty good at maths.

It was one of my favourite subjects. But i had to sit with clay for this whole year.

I walked into the class just to see people already there. Majority of the class was already there. I walked to my desk and sat down next to Clay. Fucking hate it here with him.

He always ignored me in class since he didn't want to ruin his reputation by showing how bad of a person he actually is.

The bell rang and the teacher walked in. I was his favourite student since i was really good. Payed attention and lisened. I always used the power i had of being the favourite. I mean. Who wouldn't?

"Clay! Since you have good grades doesn't mean you can't pay attention!" The teacher yelled at him.

"Whatever" Clay said as he rolled his eyes.

I was lisening to a question that the teacher had asked and suprisingly he chose me. "George davindson. Whats the answer to question number 3?"

"It's 3.67 sir."

"Very good! I didn't think you'd know that."

"Thank you sir!" I said knowing I was probably the smartest in maths. I loved maths so much. Unlike other people.

Class ended and my second class was History. I didn't like history too much and wasn't the best at it either. But i had some basic knowledge.

I walked inside the history class and sat in the second row since that was my seat for history.

Class started and the teacher came in as usual.

---- time skip ----

It was lunch time. I walked into the bathrooms since i wouldn't eat anything anyway.

When i walked in i heard someone crying in one of the stalls.

I knocked on the stall. "Hey? Are you alright?" I said

The person suddently stopped crying and i heard them sob "Y-yeah." Their voice cracked. The voice felt unusually familiar. Wait- This sounds like Clays voice.


"..." The person stayed silent all i heard is the door creaking and saw it opening.

Clay walked out of the stall with red puffy eyes. Of course he was bulling me but that doesn't mean that i shouldn't care about him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"None of your business." He hissed at me

"Chill I'm just asking what happened" I said as i took one or two steps back.

"As i said. Thats none of your business" He said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"That was. Weird? Whatever. It's none of my business just like he said." I thought

I walked over to the sink and washed my face with cold water. And walked out of the bathroom. I went to sit at the nearest bench to read twittter again.

--- another time skip ---

after school

I wasn't exited to go home either. I knew my mother would be mad. Still because of the morning.


Cliff hanger. Ily y'all <33

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