Chapter 1

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It had been a week since they fled the old world, for that world had been destroyed by too much destruction and corruption. The people who escaped it? They survived, but they couldn't bring everyone. Philza and his family kind of started a village again with everyone who survived. They had to leave behind everyone who had died, including the body of the living Wilbur.

Tommy was chopping down oak logs in the forest to get materials for the pub he was building with JackManifold. JackManifold gave him a netherite axe to work with, which Tommy was grateful for, otherwise he would take so long to gather so much wood, especially when it was getting dark. He honestly cleared out a bug part of the forest from wood gathering, so he picked up a bunch of saplings and began to plant them around the area where the trees used to be. Then he wandered deeper into the remaining parts of the forest to look for birch trees to cut down, but he saw a really big tree which looked like it was half-uprooted.

Tommy approached it and he realized that parts of the thick roots were out of the ground, kind of tilting the whole tree, so he went around the bottom to investigate. Like he suspected, there was a giant space in between the ground and the giant tree, looking like the tree was half-uprooted. Inside, he realized something slowly moving. It was kind of still, and the top was moving up and down routinely.

Tommy took out a torch on his left hand and an axe in his right hand. He crouched and slowly approached the figure, realizing the hole was big enough to walk in. The tree was pretty massive. Usually all the trees were tall and only thick enough to be sturdy, but this one was thicker than the rest. He raised his torch to see the figure better, and what revealed was quite startling. A black-haired girl with black wings covering herself and a green jumper was laying on the ground. Tommy noticed her paleness and the veins on her cheeks and arms that were a faint black. He put his sword away and put a hand on the girl's forehead, flinching when he felt it cold. Too cold. He looked around the room, realizing that the space was also cold, which he assumed was the cause of her temperature. There was nothing else in the little spot.

He looked down at the girl and shook her shoulder. She didn't move, not even stir. Her eyes were not moving, she was too still for a normal person. Her back and wings only moved with her breaths, slowly rising and falling. Tommy shook her arm this time, but to no success in her consciousness.

Tommy sighed and got out of the tree, looking around. He saw some vines by the tree and picked them up. He decided to craft a stretcher with the vines, sticks, and some wool Tommy harvested from random sheep walking around. He dragged the girl out of the tree and placed her on the stretcher. Using the remaining wool, he created a blanket which he wrapped her with. She was pretty small and looked young, so he assumed she was a child. Tommy used vines to keep the blanket and the girl from falling off of the stretcher before dragging the stretcher to Philza's house. He knocked on the door, and the door opened to reveal a blond man wearing a green and white striped hat.

"Hey, Tommy," Phil greeted.

"Phil, we have a situation," Tommy stated.

The older male raised his brows in question before the younger stepped to the side, revealing the sleeping girl on a stretcher. Phil's eyes widened, then he stepped aside. "Bring her in," Phil said.

Tommy nodded and dragged the stretcher into the house. He placed it down to the ground and looked at Phil. "There's more," he said. Phil looked at Tommy with questioning eyes. Tommy untied the vines and took off the blanket, revealing the giant, black wings wrapped around the girl in an attempt to warm herself. Philza's eyes widened further.

"She has......wings?" He asked. "She's like me."

"I found her under a tree," Tommy said. "One that was thicker than the rest. She was cold and her skin was so pale and green." Tommy was slightly frowning with worry. "Can you do something?"

Mythical Origin(A DreamSMP Fanfic, Origins World)Where stories live. Discover now