Part 2

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Sometimes Yixing went to the rooftop just to swim, swimming kept him less stressed, kept his worry away. But sometimes, it also made him overthink, and used to wonder why his brain always ends on Junmyeon. While he floated inside the pool, his thought of Junmyeon were always helping the other out, if only, he could express that. He liked being close to the other. He liked listening to him.

He wanted to be his friend. If they haven't reach the level of friendship. He really wanted to.

Junmyeon, even sad, always helped people out. Most of the seniors loved him, adored him that made Yixing happy.

He met a boy named Jongin a couple of days ago, he was with Junmyeon, they came to ask him, if he wanted to go out to eat. But he couldn't go. His leg was hurt, he didn't get to catch a breath in that week, trainee practice and his own practice. Junmyeon nodded and didn't ask. He thought the other didn't care. But he did.

He came back with some food for him. Then asked and Yixing told him. Junmyeon went out and came back with some ice in towel and scolded him. And Yixing said something and they didn't talk since.

"Well I shouldn't have said that"

Yixing said to himself. Then he heard footstep and got alert, but it was Junmyeon, he walked towards him and sat down on the side, putting his feet in water. Yixing was staring and Junmyeon was not making eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry. You were right, I should apply to myself what I say. I just, I was worried and-"

He stopped, lifting his head he met Yixing's eyes. Yixing looked he was about to burst out laughing. His wrong act on wrong timing, never fails. He chuckled, suppressing his laugh, because the other just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Hey, that's okay."

Yixing said and that was it, awkward silence settled between them. Yixing wanted Junmyeon to say something, or else he will die there in this awkwardness. Not that he was never been in this kind of situation. He had done things and made them awkward, but he never before wished someone to break that tension.

"Do you know-swimming?" 

He asked and Junmyeon shook his head. Yixing nodded at that.

"Is your foot okay?"

Junmyeon asked, he nodded,

"Yeah, it is. Doesn't hurt that much."

"Well you shouldn't have come up then-I'm sorry."


"I'm again saying things like that"

Yixing laughed this time.

"You are cute."

After realizing what he said, they both blushed. It was good in the head, shouldn't had come out. They weren't even that close. And he knew it's no wrong thing. But why he felt like it should be a secret.

"Is that a compliment, Mr. Zhang?"

And they both burst out laughing.

"I should head back and you too. I heard that they have a news for us, tomorrow. Lets see if it is a a good one"

Yixing nodded

"Yeah, lets hope it would be"


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