How you meet #1

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Scott: You where new to beacon hills and it was your first day at high school there. No one notices you as you walk in through the front doors. No one but a cute guy that had these brown puppy dog eyes and floppy hair.
As you where getting your things out of your locker the cute guy from earlier walked up to you and said " hi, my names Scott. Do you need any help finding your classes?" You held your hand out for him to shake and said "my name is (Y/N) and I would love some help."

Stiles: You and Stiles had been friends since you where five. You met on the first day of kindergarten.
Stiles and his best friend Scot where playing in the sand box when someone came over and ruined what they where making. "Seriously?!? That took me forever to make" you hear five year old stiles say. You chose to help them so you walked over and said "Can I help you rebuild your sand castle?" Stiles and Scot looked up at you and said "sure." "And its not a sand castle its a Death Star" replied stiles. From then on you guys have been best friends.

Derek: You where jogging in the woods on an early spring morning when you herd a shuffle in the leaves behind you. You had heard about all the animal Attacks that have happened at beacon hills and you started to panic. You ran faster until you eventually where full on sprinting.
As you checked behind you to see if anything was there you smacked into something hard. you looked up to see a very broody and kind of handsome guy looking down at you. "You should watch where your going," the stranger said in a deep and very sexy voice. "I'm Derek and you are . . .?" "(Y/N)," you stutter still shocked. "Well it was nice to meet you and maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah, yeah sure," you said as he walked off. From then on you see him when ever you went for a run.

Jackson: Ot was the first day of freshman year and you where really nervous. So nervous that you didn't see the shiny silver porch coming strait at you when you where crossing the road. the car came to a screeching halt just before bumping into you. you fell back from the force of the vehicle but also from shock.
You heard a door open and then slam shut. Then a guy came around the corner saying "watch where your going jackas..." He stopped short in front of you. He stared at you for a second before saying "oh my gosh I am so sorry. I was going fast and I really should have stopped sooner. I ..." He looks at you in silence again before bending down and saying "are you okay? And I'm Jackson by the way." You look up at him and he holds out his hand to help you up "I'm (Y/N)," you say as he helps you up. "and I'm fine thank you just a little winded." He looks at you again and flashes a winning smile before saying "I'm really sorry so how about I make this up to you over coffee." You smile too and say "I would love that."

Isaac: You've lived next door to Isaac for a week and you can here what goes on inside. One night you hear yelling and glass breaking while you are walking past their house to get to your own. Isaac runs out of the house and almost tramples you as he does so. you look up at him and ask "are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah I'm fine," he answers back shakily. You can tell he is most definitely not okay. Mostly because of how much he is shaking. "Well I'm (Y/N) and if you want to you can come over for dinner," you say. He looks at you surprised "really?" "Yeah I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind." He thanks you and you walk inside your house together.

Liam: You and your friends where going to lacrosse tryouts. They wanted to look at all the "hot" guys. You don't care to much about that sort of thing but you went anyways and you where glad you did. When you and your friends walked out to the field you spotted a really cute guy called . . . Liam was it? Anyways as you sat down you felt someone's eyes on you and when you looked over to the field your eyes connected with Liam's for a second before he turned away.
Later, when tryouts had ended, you where walking down the hall when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to find yourself face to face with Liam. You stepped back a little, aware the little amount of space between you. "Um, hi," you said. "Hi, I'm Liam and I was just wondering what your name was." "Oh. well my name is (Y/N) and its nice to meet you Liam," you answer. "Its nice to meet you too (Y/N). maybe I'll see you around." "Yeah," you said as you waved good bye.


Yay first chapter. I am really happy with this and I hope you are too please comment suggestions and/or imagine requests. see you later lovies😘

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