Chapter 4: Your's, isn't it.

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  "Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence."

- Robin Sharma

"Midoriya Izuku."

Izuku snickered at the bold mention of his name. Was it really that necessary? "I'm honored, you remember me! But, calling me by my full name? What's up with that? Just call me deku, like kacchan does."

Upon hearing the greenette say the word 'kacchan' so bitterly, some thought registered in Todoroki's mind. He knew that he had heard it before, but he didn't know how, where, or why? The name itself sounded familiar, so he searched deep within his thoughts where he had heard that seemingly harmless nickname. Then it clicked. Oh boy, it did.


He recalled.

He took quite the caution in referring to that topic since it seemed that Bakugo and the greenette didn't get along too well. Bad history, definitely.

Having found the courage to bring that topic up, he asked, "By 'kacchan', do you mean Bakugo Katsuki ?"

The small boy smiled, though it didn't feel nor look genuine. It was more bitter than sweet. "Ding ding! Correct! So smart of you, Todoroki-kun!" He cheered, gleefully clapping his hands.

One of the ninja-clothed students scoffed. "Ehh? Who's this little greenhead? Calling for backup I see. Heh, I guess we overestimated you." He then ridiculed, feeling all high and mighty.

Taking out two guys is better than one right? Especially when the other's just some weak little hero wannabe. Well, that's if it was true. If you were thinking of Izuku as that, then you're practically just digging your own grave, which was unfortunately the mistake the guy was about to make.

With the intent of 'taking out the frail greenette boy, then proceeding to 1 v 10 Todoroki' and feeling so confident of his set of skills, the guy from the ninja uniform school throws two balls at Izuku.

Izuku, being Izuku , dropped his 'carefree' facade and became serious. He pulled two knives out of one of the support items he brought with him, then proceeded to throw the knives with arguable effort at the two balls approaching him. The knives penetrated through the incoming balls, causing them to be dragged with the movement of the knives, then dropping to the cement ground.

"I'm not talking to you." He warned as he stared at the guy with blank dark eyes filled with intense loathing.

Todoroki was in shock. In awe partially. Never has he seen this kind of stunt be pulled off in front of him. In front of his eyes. Well to be fair, he hardly saw any knives in person, but still, that was pretty sick - he admitted.

'Such high accuracy and precision?!' He thought, stunned, theorizing how the greenette was able to pull that off. However, he knows that part of him is in question and suspicion.

Knowing that the greenette possessed much more skill than he looked capable of made him be warier of the small boy's presence. Why was he here? What did he want? What would he gain? With what intent? He asked, feeling too suspicious.

"What do you want?" Todoroki hissed. He was on his toes.

"Don't have to be so mean, Todoroki-kun!" The small boy spoke out, crossed his arms, and huffed. "I just want to benevolently spectate." He defended with a toxic smile.

Izuku then directly points at his blue targets to emphasize them, proving his point.

Knowing that the small boy had already passed, Todoroki became less cautious of the targets stuck onto his body since the boy would have no reason to gain points from him considering he passed. However, Todoroki was now more skeptical of what may be the boy's real intent and motive/s.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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