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'damn girl, what the hell you got in this box?' my dad questioned me as he sat the box down on the floor of my dorm room.

'that's got all my purses.' i replied, sitting down at the desk chair.

here i was, entering my sophomore year of college. i'd like to think that i came a very long way. i went from being in high school to finally getting into the college of my dreams and getting away from my parents. after spending my
freshman year at home, it's time for me to get away. it's not that i don't love my parents, but due to me being an only child they've been slightly overprotective my entire life.

i've been comfortable my entire life, my mom is a nurse and my dad owns an auto repair shop. i grew up in a middle to upperclass neighborhood and never really wanted for much. i honestly feel as though this college journey will teach me about independence and how to do for myself.

i'm not saying i'm a spoiled brat or anything, but i can learn a few things from being on my own, thousands of miles away from home.

my parents looked around my practically completed dorm room, i watched my mother closely knowing she would cry at any second.

'my baby isn't a baby anymore' she stated, placing a hand onto her chest. she turned to me and grabbed my hand. 'now you call us for anything that you need, we'll be down here before you can even blink properly' she reminded me.

i nodded quickly as my dad looked out of my small window. 'got damn it.' he started 'it's about to rain, sheryl. we got to get going.'

she planted kisses all over my face causing me to squirm in my seat. 'okay momma!' i laughed slightly. she finally stopped and my dad approached me.

'i love you so much, didi' i cringed at the nickname, i've hated it since childhood.

' i hope you enjoy your semester, remember if any of these knuckleheads do anything i'll bring out your uncle's shotgun.'

a laugh escaped the mouths of my mother and i. 'what? i'm serious sheryl.' he commented, before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my seat. both of my parents embraced me in a tight group hug.

i'm going to miss this.

once my parents left i was on my own. i finished unpacking the rest of my dorm before leaving my room. i walked out into the hallway and looked around. i noticed people saying their goodbyes, people mingling and others just hanging around. one girl in particular caught my attention though. she was carrying a big box and making her way down the hallway. she was so short though, the box was almost as big as her. someone walked past her and slightly bumped into her, making her drop the box and stumble. i made my way over to her once i realized nobody was going to help her out.

'yo, what the fuck?!' she shouted causing her to receive looks from the bystanders. 'the hell y'all looking at me for?' she questioned, bending down to pick up the box.

i helped her pick the heavy box up
and she lead the way to her room, once we sat it down she huffed loudly.

'thanks girl.' she began 'people be so damn rude for no reason.' she commented causing me to agree.

'you're completely welcome and honestly he could of just went around you.' i said before giving her my name. 'i'm diamond by the way, came all the way down here from chicago.'

'wassup, i'm tracy & i'm from georgia, i was born in new york though.' she stated as i nodded. i admired her attire and her hair, i could see she was a free spirited and out spoken person just off first glance.

'your people left already?' i asked her, leaning against her dresser.

she nodded quickly, before asking me the same thing. as the conversation went on
someone else entered her shared dorm.

'tracy!' a slightly deep yet subtle voice sang. 'the cafe just opened.' a young woman said, placing her keys on the smaller desk on her side of the room.

'diamond this is brielle, brielle this is diamond. she just helped me out in the hall cause some fool bumped me.' brielle looked over at me and smiled slightly.

'hey girl, how you doin' ?' she asked me. 'i'm doing good, just trying to adjust' i answered honestly.

'wanna kick it with us ? we know some other people around campus already' she asked me. 'just don't introduce her to gina ass. she so damn bossy for no reason.' tracy butted in.

'girl you're just mad because she came for your hair that one time.' brielle laughed.

'as if she should be trying to talk about anybody. them braids be looking like little ass worms in her head.' tracy argued.

i let out a small laugh before speaking. 'yeah, i can kick it with y'all, fo'sure.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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