Chapter 1: Shocking, Isn't It?

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This chapter is still a crappy begining, so don't be shocked if it changes when I finish the editing process :)


The halls of the castle were loud. You could hear the footsteps from maids, butlers, soldiers, running back and forth to the king, who had been stress as the days passed, hearing more and more of his men and women dying in the front lines. His eldest son, Wilbur, was helping his father with new war plans, at the same time looking after his baby, Fundy, since his wife had gone back to her Kingdom to serve her people. 

Wilbur managed to calm down his father, preventing from anyone to disturb him.  Wilbur sighed and finally sat down next to his father and grabbed his baby, cradling his own to see the smile of a baby fox. 

"You sure you don't want to spend time with your wife and daughter, Wilbur?" Philza asked. The prince smiled at his father, reassuring him that he was happy that he could spend somewhat time with his father and daughter. His wife would be busy either way to enjoy the time.

Before Philza could continue, both heard a light knock on the door. The king told them to come in. The door was opened by a butler, who presented the two younger sons, Tommy and Tubbo. Both of them walked into their father's office and sat down across from their father and older brother.

"Hey Philza, we came as you asked. If it's something we did, I'm just gonna say Tubbo had the idea!" Tubbo punched his brother in the stomach. Tommy held in a scream from the pain. Philza and Wilbur chuckled and let Tommy calmed down.

Finally, Philza spoke, "You boys are at the age where one of you will soon become the new king of this kingdom. Wilbur wouldn't mind being king here, but he was offered to rule by the side of Princess Sally. Now, I have to chose one of you to become king, but theirs a catch."

Philza stood up, and walked over to a table, on top of it was a picture of his wife, purple flowers, light up candles and a small box. He took the box from the table and walked over to his seat, sitting down and smiling lightly at the box. 

His two sons looked at the box with curiosity, they wondered what was so special in that box. Philza opened it, revealing a beautiful pin with a red crystal heart and purple feathers attached at the back of the crystal. There was also a white diamond ring at the side of the pin. 

Philza carefully took out the two objects from the box. "These two objects, my sons, were from your mother before she... passed away... she wanted to give these to the next future spouse that you guys marry. These were precious for us and it was passed down to generations from my family, adding more to the pin...", Philza held in his tears as he faintly remembered his wife giving him the pin and ring with a smile and thanking him before she shut her eyes, slowly slipping away from his hands, dying in the process. 

He recollected himself to the present and looked at his two sons, smiling at them. "Our family's generations have always found happiness to the person we fall in love with and that my sons, is where one of you have to go and find true love and become together to rule side by side. If there is no love, then there is no kingdom." Philza said, putting away the pin and ring back to the box. 

Wilbur looked at his brothers and back to his daughter smiling. He spoke, "If you guys want, we can bring a couple of people for you to talk to and see if they are the perfect person for you, that way we can be sure that there will be a kingdom."

Tubbo was about to protest, but Tommy jumped in. "That would be awesome! I could finally use my charms and find the perfect women to be by my side! Ain't that right Tubs?!"

Tubbo nodded softly, looking away from his family and looking out to the window, seeing his people and soldiers talking among each other.

"Father, what about... you know, the war? Don't you think we should be worried about that first before" Tubbo suggested, finally looking at his family. Philza sighed, worried that one of his sons would mention the war.

Philza assured his son to not worry, that he would solve the issue first before passing it on to any of them. Tubbo nodded and leaned back to his seat as Tommy continued to rant about finding the perfect girl of his dreams.

That was cut short when a solider came in the office with a burst. Fundy began to cry from the sudden slam of the door and Wilbur shushed the child down.

"What the hell-"

"Your majestys! Sorry for the outburst but we found out major news from the enemy!"

"Well, tell me before I kick you out for walking up my granddaughter!"

"My king- Technoblade has a son! Adopted, but will be a heir to his thrown! Not only that- his son is a enderman hybrid!" Everyone in the room fell silent, including the baby. Philza was probably the most shocked out of everyone. Tubbo spoke up, reassuring that the king, who he spoke about, the one who was known for killing families and mainly orphans, had adopted a son, specifically a enderman. 

The solider nodded furiously, explaining to the young prince and his family that Technoblade himself was protecting him and calling him 'prince'. The soldier also noticed a crown on top of the boy. 

Tubbo was about to ask more questions, but his father told both young boys to go to their room. Tubbo stood his ground, yelling out that it was something important that they should speak about, continuing to worry that perhaps the boy was just a prisoner under King Technoblade's control. Tubbo and Philza continued to argue until the king had enough of his middle son's protests to stay and figure out a plan. 

"ENOUGH!" Philza yelled, his voice echoed as he yelled at his son, his wings flinging out as well. Tubbo shut up, bewildered from his father's outburst. Tommy and Wilbur looked at his father in shocked and the solider freaked out as well, unaware that the king could be scary, despite the king being understanding and patient to others. 

Philza regretted it immediately, closing his wings and about to apologize to his child, only for Tubbo to hold onto Tommy's wrist, pulling him towards the opened door. "We're leaving. Maybe mom being dead was her best option; after all, she doesn't have to dealing with your bullshit 'lectures'," with that Tubbo shut the door and the room fell silent. 

The solider was still in the room, debating to speak or excuse himself from the awkward argument he had witness between the king and his son. Philza told the man to leave, telling him to never talk about the fight, although, the servants had heard the argument. 

"Wilbur," Philza began, taking out a piece of paper and a pen to write. "I need you and a couple of our soldiers to go out and give this letter to Technoblade. I have a plan to end this war."

Wilbur nodded, putting his daughter in the cradle, letting her finally sleep in peace. Philza finished writing up the letter and gave the letter to Wilbur to read it over. He gasped and looked at his father with disbelief. "You don't mean-" Wilbur was cut off.

"If it means to end it once and for all... then yes, Tubbo or Tommy will have to marry the prince of Crimson Kingdom, that is if Technoblade is willing to accept the proposal."

"Didn't you just tell the two of them the meaning of finding true love?! You said it yourself, 'If there is no love, then there is no kingdom.', Our kingdom will be in ruins!", "Do you suggest another idea Wilbur?! We're running out of soldiers, I'm close to my death Wilbur! Who knows how long I'll last with the illness I hold! It's either the kingdom or nothing!" Philza took the paper from Wilbur's hands and put it in a envelope. Philza gave the envelope to Wilbur, he looked at his son one last time before telling him that he loved him very much and he wanted what was best for his kingdom and family.

Wilbur sighed, he nodded and told his father to take care of Fundy u til he came back.

"Oh and Philza? Talk to Tubbo and Tommy about this arrangement. They will have to find out about it soon either way. I also suggest you apologize to Tubbo. I know what he said was hurtful, but I know that mom wouldn't want her son and husband to be on bad terms."

Philza nodded and let Wilbur go. He looked over to his sleeping granddaughter and smiled. "It's only you and me I guess." 


Published: 9/9/21

Edit: N/A

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