"Ow that hurts"

"It need some juices and berries" I said putting just that in her hair

(Juices and berries is oils and conditioner!)

I started to comb it out it was still hard but better

"Bitch you doing that on purpose!" She yelled

"Please don't yell or call me out my name and I'm not doing anything on purpose!"  I said parting her hair

She handed me $120 and I walked her out then locked my door

"I'm not taking her as a client no more cause she give off vibes!" I mumbled to myself putting my moment in the safe

"Damn you making bank!"

"Ian spending it I'm just saving and saving ima buy my beauty bar with it!" He nodded

"Ok my little Princess Tiana!" I busted out laughing

"Not too much!"

"Let's go out or sum?" He asked

"Like a date?" He nodded

"Ight" I got up and got dressed

"You look good" he licked his lips

"Thank you"

"Where we going?"

"Arcade that's ok with you?" I nodded

He opened my door for me and and we went to the arcade

"Stop taking my balls!" I pushed him he laughed

"Aye we gon cheat all these games and get hella tockets on this card then you can get whatchu want!" I nodded

"Come on!" We walked away

"Hmm you just be the look out" he said I nodded I seen a security guard walk close by making me go distract him

"It look like they cheating!" I pointed to somebody

He walked over there "come on let's play sum else" I said to kartier...

"Whatchu want?"

"That big ass purple bear and the matching blanket!" He nodded grabbing it he gave it to us and scanned the shit

"Where you wanna go now?"

"I want some barbecue and after I wanna go to your house" he nodded

We went to go get some food then went to his house and went to sleep

A few weeks later...

"Why you been acting like that?" I asked kartier cause he been acting weird all day

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