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Quote : None 
Theme Song : Feel Invincible~Skillet 
Name : Nightroar 
Age : 20 
Gender : Female 
Sexuality : Straight 
Owner : Star Haddock

Mother : Unknown 
Father : Unknown 
Sister : Unknown 
Brother : Unknown 
Crush : None
Mate : Bone

**~Rank, Owner/Friend, and Town~** 
Owner/Friend : Star Haddock 
Town : Berk, New Berk
Rank : Dragon Rider's dragon

Appearance : Pictures in comments 
Personality : Mysterious, feared, generally very aggressive to any form of threat they find, enigmatic, across as aloof and distrusting, secretive and unwilling to engage in any form of contact, Though they keep themselves closely guarded but when they warm up to others, they are also curious creatures that attempt to understand new things they observe and are intelligent enough to attempt to recreate the actions that they see. They are also incredibly playful, intrigued by the littlest of things like flying sparks, are very capable of communicating, and seemingly understanding human speech, fiercely loyal and protective. Once a bond is formed, it is close to unbreakable, generally very expressive, pupils dilate when they are in a good mood, and narrow to slits when startled or aggressive. Their ears are also very expressive, constantly perking and dropping to signal their emotions and their opinions, They occasionally hang and sleep upside down like a bat. Sometimes when they are getting ready to sleep, they singe the ground with their fiery breath, while walking in a circle, much like dogs and cats do before laying down. 
Bio : All that is known about her past is that she was captured at a young age by Dragon Hunters, and was used as they saw fit; resulting in her being beaten and starved if she did not cooperate.

Extras : Her scent is of Lavender and Pine needles 
Other : She has scars all over her body from the time she was a Dragon Hunter captive

~~~~~~~  **~Included~**  Extras : Her scent is of Lavender and Pine needles  Other : She has scars all over her body from the time she was a Dragon Hunter captive

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