Apology (Not) Accepted

Start from the beginning

He would gain nothing, except Barry.

Felicity's eyes widen. "I thought you wanted to change your name to Leonard Caldwell?"

"Before the wedding," Len explains. "After that, it's Leonard Allen. Why? Problem?"

"No," she says quickly, shaking her head. "I think it's sweet. Isn't it sweet, Ollie?"

Ollie. Len files that little tidbit away. Barry let it slip once that his name was Oliver. Len's really going to have to look into this Arrow guy.

The guy scowls. "Do you know my name?" he asks.

"You look kind of familiar," Len says, "but I don't usually visit Starling City. Or Star City, whatever you're calling it now. And Barry hasn't told me, yet."

The guy relaxes slightly. "At least he can keep a secret, even partially."

"I don't like secrets," Len says. "Never been a fan of them."

"You're also a wanted criminal, so your opinion doesn't matter."

"Rude," Felicity says.

Len's eyes narrow. "All of the evidence against me is gone; you have no proof of your accusations. That being said, I'd like to know where Barry is, now. He was with me when you attacked."

"Barry's fine," the guy says. "I wouldn't hurt him."

Len snorts. "But shooting him full of arrows is perfectly reasonable," he mutters, glaring at the guy, whose eyes narrow once again. He's going to get permanently stuck with that look if he keeps it up.

"Ollie," Felicity hisses. "You shot Barry?"

"It was a while ago," Ollie defends.

"Just because he heals fast doesn't mean he's invincible," Len says. "I have a bone to pick with you, Arrow. You could have killed him."

"Barry's fine."

"That's not the point," Len snaps, and it must look hilarious, him strapped to a chair and lecturing the Arrow of all people, but he doesn't care. "What if you punctured his heart with your little stunt? Would he have healed then? For a hero you're sure willing to risk your friend's life for a training exercise. The Flash would never do that."

It seems he's struck some kind of chord with the guy, as Ollie just stares blankly back at him for a moment. Felicity grabs his arm. "We need to let him go," she says calmly. "When Barry wakes up he's not going to be happy."

"Where is he?" Len asks. "What do you mean, wakes up? Did you smack him over the head, too?" This he levels at the guy, glaring at him again. "You really don't care about his well-being, do you?"

"I care a great deal for Barry," the guy snaps back. "But he can be reckless, and I'm just being cautious."

"By knocking both of us out and stealing his boyfriend? Did you drag him here, too?" Len asks.

The guy remains silent.

"So he's here," Len says.

At least Barry's not home, freaking out. If their roles were reversed, Len would definitely be freaking out if he woke up after being attacked and found the kid missing.

Now he just needs to get free, find the kid, and break out.

An alarm of some kind goes off on Felicity's phone. She looks at it and then at the guy. "Barry's awake."

"Go to him," the guy says.

"He's not going to like this," Felicity complains. "We need to just let his boyfriend go. We are definitely not getting invited to the wedding this way."

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