Apology (Not) Accepted

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Len wakes in a thick fog to the sound of faint voices arguing. His head throbs sharply upon awakening, and he's not sure where he is, but this definitely doesn't smell like the safe house. He pries heavy eyelids open and finds himself in a bright room, strapped down to a chair. That would explain the throbbing neck, then – he's been slouching in the chair for who knows how long.

It's uncomfortable, but more uncomfortable is the fact he remembers he wasn't alone before the attack.

He looks around, but Barry is nowhere to be found. He can hear voices, but none of them are his. One is female, one is male, and they seem to be talking off to the side, around a corner where he can't see.

He can't make out what they're saying, only that their inflection seems to indicate they are arguing.

He squirms, and must make some noise because a second later the arguing stops and two people round the corner, approaching him. One is a blonde woman, the other a brunette male with sharp eyes like a hawk.

Len sits back, adopting a more casual position despite how much he wants to continue attempting to twist free. Somehow, he knows it is useless. This guy looks adept at tying people up, and the girl...

She looks apologetic, at least, but he's not sure why.

"Where's Barry?" Len asks, because that's all that matters right now. The blonde girl looks at the guy, but the guy keeps his mouth shut. "He was with me when you attacked – where is he?"

If they have done something to Barry, he will ice them. He will start with the feet and work his way up, a slow, torturous demise. He will let them feel helpless and cold before it ends.

"You're Leonard Snart," the guy says in a gruff voice, and the girl sighs heavily. "AKA Captain Cold."

"So my reputation precedes me," Len says with a shrug, which is actually rather difficult due to his position right now, and the fact everything seems sore.

"Barry is not going to like this," the blonde murmurs to the brunette.

"Barry has made some questionable decisions," the guy replies.

"So I'm going to assume you're the Arrow?" Len asks, watching the guy for his reaction. To his credit, he remains calm, although his eyes harden a little, and the girl's eyes widen. "Or Green Arrow, whatever you're calling yourself now. And you must be Felicity."

The blonde smiles. She has a nice smile, for someone who was part of capturing him. "Has Barry mentioned me? Wait – of course he has, he asked for my help. I mean, not that he needed to mention me or anything, because-"

"He gets it," the guy says.

Felicity falls silent.

"Why am I here?" Len asks. "I assume you already know the Flash's identity."

Felicity smiles again. "I told you! You owe me twenty dollars. I told you he'd know who Barry is."

The guy sighs. "I hear you're planning to marry Barry."

"That would be correct."

"Why?" the guy asks, frowning.

"Why?" Len repeats, confused.

"What's in it for you?"

Len's getting really tired of people assuming he's a complete asshole. He's only an asshole on occasion, and when people deserve it. Barry doesn't deserve it. "I love him," he says as calmly as he can manage. "I don't care if you don't believe me. I went through the same thing with his foster dad. I don't have any ulterior motives. What would I gain by changing my name to Leonard Allen?"

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