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It was a rainy night, you could hear every splash, drop and tap on the foggy window.

Beside the window sat Xander he was on the windowsill, like the ones you see in sad or scary movies.

He was gently tapping the window and running his long soft kind of skinny finger smoothly down the glass following the rain drops as they slowly fell.

Xander was a fairly tall guy about 6 ft to be exact, he had long curly hair that nearly covered his eyes, a sharp jawline, smallish nose and deep dark brown eyes that were basically black, he's fairly skinny but has a bit of muscle to his body, and a deep husky voice.

"knock knock" Raven said in her soft smooth voice, she was waiting outside Xander's room in the flat they both live together in.

"come in" Xander says quietly, he always seems moody but he has his foot down and takes charge whenever he needs too, he enjoys making people do what he wants, kind of like a superiority complex.

Raven enters the tidy dark room and lays on his double bed and runs her hands through Xander's soft sheets.

"Sit up now" Xander says with a little more tone and sternness to his voice.

"Make me bitch" Raven says in a giggly

Xander gets of the windowsill and walks over to his bed towering her in his dark black acid washed jeans that was extremely baggy near the bottom, which u wouldn't expect because his waist is only 29 inches long, he had an oversized black hoodie on with black socks.

"Get up" he says in a normal tone, your probably thinking he sounds like a normal average guy but he has quite a deep voice so it sounds like a normal person forcing a voice when he speaks.

"Why should I? hmmm" Raven replies with a huge smirk on her face. "What you gonna do tell me off" she adds to her reply, whilst she looks up into his deep dark consuming eyes.

"I'll throw you around this room like a rag doll you little bitch" Xander exclaims.

"Your not even strong enough to lift me you twig" Raven replies.

"You sure? you're 4'11 and weigh around 7 stone and you think i can't lift you? don't be pathetic get up now last chance!" he says with a deep glare into her soft grey eyes, with her perfect black eyeliner and long eyelashes.

Raven is wearing a short black skirt, some knee high socks with a white stripe pattern a little black crop top and her necklace. She's an extremely pretty girl, she has beautiful style, an artwork of a body, and a face to seduce anyone she wants.

"UGH! but your bed is so comfyyyy i might just have to sleep here tonight, you can sleep in my bed" she says sarcastically.

He slowly approaches her and kneels down near her height, just low enough that he's still looking a little down on her. He runs his smooth, soft, feminine hand with a full set off rings on across her face starting from the back to her chin, it didn't take him long he has extremely big hands for someone his size, he puts his thumb on her lip and pulls it down gently, he moves in next to her ear and softly but with a little bit of tone says "Are you going to move or do i have to make you?"

Raven replies in a shaky voice "No, i'm sleeping here tonight"

Xander quickly runs his hand down her throat and grabs the sides of her neck and pulls her nose to nose, "Get up now" in a very, deep and entrancing tone.

"No" she stutters.

Xander shoots up with her still in his grasp and turns her around so her back is laid against his front, he grabs her neck slightly tighter, and moves his left arm across her stomach, as he slides his fingers gently along he says.

"Get on your knees, and beg you little whore"

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