24. The future Mrs Can Divit (?)

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"Sanem, her name is Sanem. The smartest, strongest and the most beautiful woman I've ever met." He put his hands on his thighs and leaned back in the chair, looking into the distance. Then he continued.

"We have something very special between us, it really sparkles when we are together" he said and bit his bottom lip. "She is my soulmate, she is my future; she's my future wife and the mother of my children, our children. And I love her with all my heart" he finished. She met his eyes and could see tears in them. Gosh, she thought, this is more than serious and almost got tears in hers as well. But she cleared her throat.

"Tell me more about her, Can, and tell me how you met, please," she said with a low voice. So he did, he loved to talk about her.

"She's only 24 but has her own business since a few years back already. She is...well, hippie, very peaceful and warm. She doesn't like fame but has promised to try to deal with me anyway" he said and chuckled a bit. "She makes natural creams and perfumes out of flowers by her grandma's recipe, all done by hand, all natural, and she actually made me my own scent, you wanna smell?" he asked her and leaned over. So she smelled him.
Wow! she thought and closed her eyes for a moment. What an incredible scent! That woman must have an angel's hands to be able...she opened her eyes up and shut her mouth.

"Great, isn't it?" he asked her with a grin. "And her own scent...it drives me crazy, she smells so good and I could actually eat her u..." He blushed when he realised what he was about to say. He shrugged with an apologizing smile on his face. Then he went on.

"She is also a great dancer and will perform a dance with Şükrü Özyıldıs on the Film Festival and as she's such a beautiful woman, her advertise manager wanted her to represent her own business, so she did. Why get someone else when she's the most beautiful woman on earth, huh?" He raised his eyebrows in a questioning way and made a gesture with his hands in the air.

Liza actually started to feel curiousity about this woman, as he described and talked about her with such feelings, such happiness...she must be very special, she stated.

"And how did you meet? When and where?" She leaned forward as she was intrigued and impatient to know.

"Well, the first time...from quite a distance we felt those sparks between us, but we never got to speak, we just saw each other and felt it. I suppose destiny had to do with it, as we met for the second time the very same evening. And ever since, I can't be without her; I need her to be able to breathe, really. Maybe it sounds stupid, but it's like...it's like I keep my breath when we're not together, do you understand what I mean?" he asked her with his eyebrows raised again.

"I think I actually have got an idea, yes," she answered him with a crooked smile. This interview ended up being totally different from what she'd thought it would be, but who could ever imagine that the womanizer Can Divit would sit here, telling her about the love of his life with those puppy eyes he got every time he mentioned or thought about this girl Sanem? And she promised herself to write nothing but the truth.


Sanem was still working downstairs and it was almost 7 in the evening. She was a bit upset with herself about what happened between her and Yigit, but had it been her fault? Did she overreact? If yes, why? Because she knew he was right? But no, he wasn't right anymore, that was how Can had been before. Before her. Almost. If they didn't count the incident with 'cousin Leyla', of course. She frowned and stopped with what she was doing. No. She knew Yigit was upset because he was interested in her; she had had her doubts when they went out on that date, but today when he got his face on her neck in a very improper way, she just knew. Despite that, she appreciated him as a friend, and now...now what? What she said to him was not the nicest thing, she had been mean to him, even nasty. She sighed and put her hand on her forehead. And should she tell Can about it? Maybe he needed to know, as he was some kind of friend of Yigit, in case. Or? She sighed again and started to clean up. Then she checked up on her oils and on the flowers as well. No, no need for one or the other yet. But what she needed was a few days of relax, out of the city. So she sat there and wished herself far away for a while.

EK:...Love at first sight, they just didn't know itTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon