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You are sitting at the front row with no one by your side. You stare blankly and emotionlessly at the coffin in front of you. It was your mom's. She was the last of your family as your dad died years ago, and they didn't have any siblings nor cousins. You never met your grand parents and now you're all alone. In the room were only your mom's colleagues, friends and of course, your own who came to pay their respects.

You are now 19 years old, meaning you are capable of living by yourself.

No one dare to come close to you as they knew you needed space——literally and figuratively.

You heard the doors creak and you figured it'd be him. You hear his steps and every single one brought comfort to you. You hear the steps grow louder. You stood up to greet him. Before you could turn around, he had his hands on your shoulders and turn you around to be immediately engulfed in a warm and comforting embrace.

With his left hand on your head and his other on your back, he pushes you close to his chest and you quickly relax to the embrace. What seemed like the emotionless state you were in, you were now crying waterworks on his chest. Your cries were muffled but stil audible. Everyone around you gave you the look of pity but t/n knew very well that wasn't what you needed. What you needed was comfort.

And he gave it to you.

He rubbed his left hand on your head and slowly pulled you away when you were a lot calmer. He gives you a bitter smile and guided you to sit back again. He sat to you left by the edge of the bench. You lean your head onto his shoulders and his hand wraos around you. In a matter of seconds, you fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. You found warmth and comfort and you knew you'd still be fine.

It's short but eh, it's a one shot anyway.

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