Why Do You Try With Me?

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He kept apologizing to me, like that would work. I asked him why he'd even fuck me if he had a girlfriend, he told me it was because he wasn't happy with his girlfriend.

I figured out soon enough I was probably just going to be his escape goat, the 'But I'm in love with him, I'm sorry' excuse. He kept apologizing and saying sorry in every fucking way you think a person could, I'm surprised he hasn't started to apologize in Spanish. I agreed not to make him leave as long as he got me a new phone. He called and told me it would be forever till I could get a new one because of the power outage.

I spent most of my time in my bed, he would try to talk to me but understood when I told him to fuck off. He eventually laid down and sighed.

"Nick, I can't say I'm sorry enough.. I just really couldn't help it.. it happens when Im mad." He sighed.

I looked at him, "you broke my phone, abused me then have the audacity to think we're going back to normal?"

He chewed on his lip and walked closer to me, I backed up "please just give me one more chance."

He grabbed my shoulders and brought me into a hug. I felt tears start to well in my eyes. I wanted to stay mad at him, I wanted to yell at him.

But I didn't.

I couldn't fucking bring myself to do it I stood there, motionless.

He pulled away, I could see the tears in his eyes "I'm sorry, I love you so much." He said.

I pushed him back, he looked surprised.

"Don't even fucking think you can say that to me after all you put me through! I wanted love from the start!"

I could tell he wasn't to pleased with me saying that.

He sat down, "forgive me this one time.. I really fucked up, I'll do anything."

I could feel the weight of his words.

I smiled.

"Call your girlfriend, Clay, tell her your over."

He nodded, just nodded. He actually seemed slightly happy that I had said that.

He pulled out his phone, going to contacts and calling her.

He put her on speaker.

"Hello? Do you need something baby?"

It was that bitch.

The one that ruined me and Clays relationship as kids.

"Quinn, we're over."

He said it plainly. Oh how I had wanted him to say those words to her for years.

She scoffed "come on baby this isn't funny." She grumbled.

"It isn't a joke."

"Clay, baby, sweetheart. Is this something about how you went to go see that disgraceful man? I told you not to go! Let me guess, he's been trying to convince you to fuck him or some shit and now he's got you under control and is making you break up with me."

Dream looked flabbergasted, that was a stretch from reality.

"No, he didn't do that. I fucked him on my own time." He mumbled.

She gasped "you fucking what! You fucking fa- (I ain't finishing that cause I don't want to offend anyone.) I can't believe I dated a fa-!" She screamed.

Dream rolled his eyes "yeah, I may be one, but atleast I'm not mooching off of you. Now I'm giving you 2 days to get your shit out of my house, or I swear to got, I'll have my dad come down there and beat. Your. Ass."

He hung up the phone.

He then smiled "there you go."



anyways what kind of chapter should I do for a 1000 read special? It can be smut, or I could write in the POV of Quinn getting beat up by Dreams dad. And please comment this time.

Comment here, please, I beg-------→

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