Forgive and Forget?

463 22 28

TW: Abuse? Yelling, swearing, minipulation, and probably more I don't realize, so if they trigger you please do not read this chapter or do at your own risk!!

I wish I didn't forgive him, he had hurt me in more ways than he thought he could. But I loved him too much, and I forgave him.

He brought my phone upstairs and gave it to me and I did make sure to chew the fuck out of him. He sighed and apologized before he just sat on the couch.

I couldn't tell if he wanted to be here or not, he just seemed like he was glad that I hadn't kicked him out of the house.

I looked at him "Clay." I sighed.

He looked at me and tilted his head "yes?"

"Do you love me, Clay?"

"Well of course I do, why do you ask?"

"You recjected me, and you know Im still mad about it. I mean you did fuck me, only to say 'im not ready for a relationship' "

He looked down and sighed "I don't want to talk about this right now." He sighed and leaned back. I felt almost offended that he dared to say he didn't want to talk about it but then lay down like he owned the damn place.

I glared at him before I grabbed my phone, my now cracked phone cause he dropped it on the concrete.

He looked at me weird before opening his arms "come and lay with me, I know your upset but can't we cuddle it out?" He did the grabby hands.

I looked back and scoffed "we aren't dating, so why the fuck do you want to cuddle? I mean work on black mailing me to George why fucking don't you."

He stood up and began to make his way over to me, and walked faster to my room "why the fuck won't you just forgive me?!"

I laid on my bed and he tried to as well but I pushed him away. He grunted and grabbed my arm "What the fuck! Let me go!"

He laughed "I'm not letting you go." I kicked him and, besides what he said, he let me go.

He glared at me "I'm sorry! There you go! Can I fucking cuddle with you now or do I have to go over every fucking relationship I've been in?! Oh wait, your going to get mad at me for being in other relationships that weren't with you right?" He yelled at me.

I felt tears come to my eyes. He looked at me and rolled his eyes, "leave my house!" I yelled and he kept laughing and sat on a chair in my room.

"I'm not leaving." He got comfortable and I turned on my phone, he could hear me began to dial. He jumped and grabbed my phone again.

"Give me my phone!" I yelled and tried to pull him back.

"Your not calling the police you fucking bitch!"

"Give me the phone!" Tears began to drip onto my sheets.

"I'm not leaving and your not going to make me leave!" He yelled back at me as he ran into my kitchen. I tried to get the phone but he hit me.

He grabbed a hammer I kept in my kitchen, mostly because I left it there after hanging up paintings, and slammed it on my phone screen. I watched it shatter and I let out a gasp.

He threw my phone back to me and it wouldn't turn on "there you go! You can't call the police, now let's lay down In your bed and relax." He sounded like a manic.

I honestly was scared and nodded "alright.." I kept crying.

He smiled he grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room. He laid down and held me close to him, it hurt.

He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead "aww look at my baby.. your so cute." He ran his fingers through my hair. (Hair was the 666 word and I find that ironic)

I refused to speak until he grabbed my hair and yanked it back. I let out a Yelp "that hurt!" I cried out.

He pain no attention to me "you have such a pretty voice, it sounds so pretty when you moan, it's so pretty when you tell me off, it's so pretty, I wish I could have it as my own."

If I wasn't currently terrified of him I might have appreciated it. He fell asleep but kept me close. I fell asleep as well.

He woke up and he let me go, he looked absolutely disgusted, but not by me, by himself.

He began to apologize and said that he had bad anger, I nodded "I-I didn't want to tell you.. Nick.. I have a girlfriend."

He has a girlfriend?

Not that I should be worrying about his relationships, I don't want to date him anymore, I will never say 'I love you' to him again.
Thank you for reading! I think there is like 300 reads? I haven't seen it in a bit.. but thank you!

I'm sorry it took forever and it ended up being sad boy hours, also please comment your opinion about this, I get if your upset about it and if people do not like it I will delete this.

Also there was a wasp in my bedroom so I was forced out of there for 2 days and I write on my PC most of the time.

Have a good day, drink water, and eat food, and take care of yourself!

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