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"My boyfriend is looking really handsome today" Felix greeted his boyfriend as he met him in the lobby of the hotel.

"Can you stop it?You're making me blush" Wooyoung looked down as his cheeks turned a shade of pink.

The younger boy just chuckled and took the others hand.

"Let's go"


Felix and Wooyoung walked through the streets of the city until they reached a park.

The blonde haired guy led the older trough the park to a big meadow where there aren't any people.

The two boys could see a few trees around,and a little river is flowing in front of them.

Wooyoung looked around and saw a blanket on the grass,with a little bit of food and things to drink around.

"Sit down"
Wooyoung did as he was told and sat down on the blanket.
Felix sat down beside him.

"I hope you still like Strawberries" the younger smiled as he took out a box with the red fruits in it.

"It never changed" Wooyoung replied with the same smile on his face.

Being relieved to hear that,Felix picked out one strawberry and held it in front of Wooyoung.

"Open up"

The older opened his mouth and Felix fed him the fruit.

"I remember us doing this every week when we were still in high school" Wooyoung said after he swallowed and both of them looked at the river in front of them.

"You're right.That's why I decided that this is going to be our first date.I know that this have been the days you've been the happiest,because we could escape the stress of school,of our parents...it was just us"

"I know.I still remember the little place behind your old house where we used to sit at.We we're glad when we were done with homework and we kinda sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night.The one night it was extremely cold and you were only wearing a t-shirt so I gave you my hoodie.Do you remember?The grey one?"

"How would you react when I say that I still have it?"

"You still have my hoodie?" Wooyoung asked kinda surprised.

"Yes.I know it sounds creepy but I loved the way it smelled like you.
One day you even forgot your parfume and I kept it so I can spray it on the hoodie after it was in the laundry.
I'm glad that you still use the same scent.It comforts me" Felix answered before he snuggled into Wooyoung's side,which causes the older to put his arms around the youngers shoulder.

"You know that I've been mad at you for a long time.But I'm glad that we're here now,because it made me realize that I love you all over again." Wooyoung said before pressing a kiss to Felix' blonde hair.

"I love you too Wooyoungie"

Both of them sat in silence until they realized it's almost 1pm already.

"Maybe we should go back to the hotel.I don't know what the others are doing,but we still should go back before any of them starts to worry"

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