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"Good morning Felix,my name is Hyunjin I'm gonna be your instructor for today" a boy with long blonde hair greeted Felix.

"Nice to meet you Hyunjin" Felix smiled while shaking Hyunjin's hand.

"Please follow me so I can show you around the building" Hyunjin smiled while starting to walk in front of Felix.

Felix was quick to follow him as he looked around the building.
He welt some kind of proudness seeing what Wooyoung achieved in his life.
Suddenly he started to feel guilty again.He knows that he hurted his used-to-be best friend with leaving him.

He never wanted that.He never wanted to leave the boy he loved.
Back in his school days he already knew that he felt more towards the older boy than just a friendship.

He never had the courage to actually tell him,especially because he doesn't know anything about Wooyoung's sexuality.

Felix is pretty sure that the love he's still feeling is one sided.

His thoughts were interrupted by Hyunjin's voice.

"This is the office of Mr. Jung,he's not here yet,but he will be later.Every time you have questions I can't give you an answer for you can come here to ask him himself." The boy ended his introduction.

"Thank you very much Hyunjin,I-"

"Good morning Hyunjin" a boy interrupted Felix' sentence.

"Good morning Jongho" the red haired boy stepped closer to the other two,and stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw a familiar face.

"Felix" Jongho said a bit stunned.

"Hello Jongho" Felix bowed to the younger boy.

"You know each other?" Hyunjin asked a bit confused.

"Well...yes.Hyunjin could you please go to room C6?Please prepare everything for the dancers which are coming in half an hour." Jongho ordered.

"Sure.See you later" Hyunjin bowed politely before disappearing to the stairs.

"Lee Felix.Haven't talked to you in a long time" Jongho started while looking at the blonde boy.

"Listen,Jongho.I'm sorry.For everything.I feel extremely guilty for leaving you two,I never wanted that,and I-"

"Felix it's alright.I personally forgave you a long time ago,I know that you didn't had a choice.I'm not mad at you or anything,so don't worry about that.
But I'm not sure about Wooyoung.After we've seen you and Chan at the Café,he seemed kinda...yeah just mad.I don't thing he will forgive you as easily as I did." Jongho told him.
"But I'm glad to see you again.I kinda missed you Felix" he chuckled a bit before Felix was pulling him into a friendly hug.
Jongho isn't the biggest fan of skinship,but he also knows that Felix is a very touchy person,so he will allow it.Especially after they haven't seen each other for three years.

"I know you will meet Wooyoung sooner or later,but it's the best to avoid him for today,he's kinda crunpy today."

"Is there a reason for that?"

"Well let's say...he still isn't the best with alcohol" Jongho joked.

Felix chuckled at that.Wooyoung has never been that good when it came to alcohol,everytime he went to parties Hongjoong was the one to take care of the younger one.

"Come,let's chat in an empty practice room.It's better than standing in the hallway.And I want to know everything about what you did the last couple of years"

long lost love | j.wy x l.f Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt