ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙 ❖

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Kise Kyota has known Oikawa Toru since High School.

Oikawa was the popular senpai who was handsome, kind, cheerful and charismatic. So, of course, every kohai wanted Oikawa to notice them or even glance their way. Kise got lucky since Oikawa did notice him. Kise adored Oikawa. He'd always looked up to him in everything, even now, when Kise was a successful supermodel, the older's advice was always taken into consideration.

However, there was just one thing that Kise pitied about Oikawa. Despite having a very handsome face, whenever people took pictures of him, the result was always exasperating. The pictures always came out blurry. No matter how steady your hand was, or how good the lighting was, the result would always be unacceptable. It was too unbelievable! Oikawa's theory was now becoming believable to Kise.

"Maybe I'm the chosen one by the aliens," Oikawa said one day, when Kise whined about how it irked him that all the pictures he'd taken of Oikawa came out blurry.

"It's just not fair! It's such a waste for a beautiful face," Kise pouted, making Oikawa laugh and raffle his blonde hair.

"Then, it's a sign. If you really appreciate my beauty, you should see me everyday. One is privileged to be in my presence."

Kise smiled widely at that. "Of course, Senpai!"

In present time, years after graduating from High School and even college, Kise and Oikawa were still friends. From the start, they just clicked with each other since, after all, they shared similar personality traits. Today, they were close enough that Kise didn't need to use the suffix 'senpai' with Oikawa anymore.

"We have bad news," Kise's photographer and boyfriend, Katsamatsu or Yu-chan, announced to the whole photoshoot team. Kise who'd been bouncing happily in his chair while getting his makeup done, turned perfectly still. He looked at Kasamatsu, yellow eyes widened in concern.

Iwaizumi, another photographer for the photoshoot and coincidentally his boyfriend's cousin, appeared next to Kasamatsu and sighed. "Your partner for this photoshoot called in sick today, so he won't be making it."

"Since today is the deadline," Kasamatsu continued, "we are so doomed. That is unless we can get a replacement in less than an hour."

Kise was anxious. This was really, really bad! The whole project could be canceled. Everyone started to brainstorm on solutions and even tried to contact another model, but it would be almost impossible to get someone last minute.

Kise himself was currently browsing through the many contacts on his phone, trying to find someone, anyone. He suddenly felt a soft tap on his shoulder making him turn around and look up.

Oikawa was standing there behind him, with his lunchbox. "Hi, Kiryou-chan," he greeted, smiling widely, looking insanely gorgeous with no effort.

"I brought lunch for you guys," he ruffled Kise's hair placing the box on Kise's desk and then looked around, "why are you looking so perplexed? And why does everyone look so intense? Yumatsu-chan more than usual."

Kise blinked. Once. Twice. Oikawa was perfect. He was handsome, charming and totally fit to be a model! If only his 'curse' to be blurry in every picture could be lifted, but after many years it's been proven to be imposible. Sadly.


A voice suddenly broke Kise's train of thought. It was Iwaizumi who was looking directly at Oikawa. "Are you free today?," he asked.

Oikawa smirked. "So straightforward. I like it! Wanna take me on a date already...at first sight, huh? But yes, I'm free."

Iwaizumi just ignored Oikawa's previous comment, "Good. I want you to model with Kise."

Oikawa laughed at that and Kise hurriedly stood up, trying to explain the situation to Iwaizumi, "Oikawacchi is handsome and perfect, but you must know one thing, Iwaizumi-senpai."

"What? Don't tell me he doesn't like to have his picture taken. That's bullshit, Kise. Even for your standard."

"No!!" Kise pouted.

Oikawa glomped Kise's side. "Hmph! Don't bully my Kiryou-chan, Iwaizumi-senpai," Oikawa copied Kise's nickname, "it's not that I dislike having my picture taken...it's just that anyone who takes pictures of me, will always end up with blurry results."

Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow, and scoffed not saying anything. He simply picked up his camera, directed the lens at Oikawa's direction, and start clicking it a few times.

That reaction made Oikawa laugh even harder and he even started doing some poses with Kise. Although he was smiling, Kise could see the challenging gaze those chocolate-brown eyes bore towards Iwaizumi. After a few shots, Iwaizumi distanced his camera from his eyes and checked the results.

"How did they come out?," Kise couldn't help his curiosity. He dragged Oikawa with him to peek from behind Iwaizumi's shoulder.

Kise gasped. Even Oikawa blinked in surprise. For the first time in forever, every picture of Oikawa that was taken was very very clear. It wasn't blurry at all! The results came out exceptional, Iwaizumi's skills had captured Oikawa's beauty perfectly.

"How did you...?," Oikawa turned his head to Iwaizumi, still very amazed.

Iwaizumi shrugged. "Maybe because I'm a professional."

Both Kise and Oikawa wanted to argue with that logic, because Kise had asked many pros to take pictures of Oikawa before and the results were no good at all. But, the look on Iwaizumi's eyes prevented them from arguing with him.

"Now, go get dressed and then have your makeup done," Iwaizumi ordered. "Kise, finish yours too. Kasamatsu and I will be waiting in the studio."

Kise could only nod, and once Iwaizumi left the room, Oikawa whispered, "I think I've found my soulmate."

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