"What is this.... Thing you speak of." Zod asked.

"Her heart. Even if we're from different planets, our hearts carry so much power. Enough for what you want the Codex for. Her heart, is stronger than mine." She added.

Zod nodded before looking at her again. "When the time comes. You strike— and you strike hard, Kazia." He stated and she nodded as a smirk appeared on her face.

The world engine detached itself from the ship as it started to speed towards Earth, entering its atmosphere. It appeared on the military's scanners as the General came into view and asked what had happened.

"The ship just split in two. Track one is heading East." A military operator told him. "Track two is deploying towards the Southern Hemisphere."

"How fast is that bogey moving?"

"Approaching Mach 24 and accelerating. It looks like it's gonna impact somewhere in the South Indian Ocean."

As the world engine traveled, it could be seen passing a part of the Earth before coming close to the area where it was going to land. A man that was in the lake on his boat could be seen fishing but then stopped halfway when he caught what was in the sky. Due to the speed, the tips of the ship was very hot and appeared red before making its impact.

"The rest of the ship is descending." A military woman spoke when she got the data on her computer.

"Put it on the board now."

"Yes, sir."

The ship that was descending was heading into New York and from different angles of the city, it could be seen. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see it as four helicopters surrounded the ship.

"Bring the phantom drive online." Zod commanded and it was turned on as electricity shot around it before the doors that led to the outside, underneath the ship, started to open. Not a second later, a powerful beam shot out and down into the Earth. Connecting to the world engine on the opposite end, it started up.

"We are now slave to the world engine." Jax-Or mentioned.

"Initiate." Zod stated and it was set. That's when the two ships started to work their parts and made tons of damage around them. People all around started to flee in panic as they tried to escape. Some falling along the way. Buildings and cars being destroyed in the process.

"What have they hit us with." The general asked.

"Looks like some kind of gravity weapon. It's working in tandem with their ship. Somehow they're increasing the Earth's mass, clouding the atmosphere with particulates." The scientist started to say before the realization hit him. "Oh, my god. They're terraforming."

"What's that?" A woman asked

"Planetary engineering. Modifying the Earth's atmosphere and topography." The scientist continued

"They're turning Earth into Krypton." The general stated

"But what happens to us?"

"Based on these readings there will be an us."

"General Swanwick, Sir. I'm on with the control tower. Colonel Hardy's on his way in and he's got both Superman and Aurora in tow."

"Superman and Aurora?"

"The aliens, sir. That— that's what they're calling them. Superman and Aurora."

That's when a helicopter that was lowering Clark's pod was seen. Your pod had already been tied up and strapped nearby. You were helping Clark out when the general appeared. Lois saw him and started to speak. "We have a plan, General."

"Is that what I think it is?" The scientist said.

"It's the ships they arrived in." Lois added as he took in the sight of both pods. At the mention of that, the two of you started to head to where Lois was.

"These ships are powered by something called a phantom drive. It bends space. Zoe's ship uses the same technology, and if we can make the two drives collide with one another—" Clark started to say.

"A singularity can be created." The scientist finished.

"Like a black hole." The general added.

"Yes. So if we open up this doorway, then theoretically, they should be pulled back in." You stated.

"So you— you want us to bomb them with those?" The scientist questioned and both you and Clark nodded your heads.

"General, those crafts maxes out 17,000 pounds each, we can drop them from a C-17. Xandy's pod is a back up in case if Superman's ends up getting destroyed. It's a viable plan." Colonel Hardy said.

"And if I don't stop that machine over the Indian Ocean... the gravity field will continue to expand." Clark mentioned and the General gave you both the okay before turning away.

As the two of you started to walk away a few feet you got Clark's attention. "Clark." You said and he looked at you. Giving him a look, you placed a hand on his chest before muttering something. It glowed green for a moment before disappearing. "I've placed a shield on you that should last for a while. It'll start to fade away after some time." You told him and he nodded.

"If that thing is making Earth more like Krypton... won't you both be weaker around it?" Lois asked with a voice that hinted concern.

"Maybe. I'm not about to let that stop me from trying." Clark said.

"I placed a shield on him, so it should help with his breathing." You mentioned and she asked how it worked. "If he's struggling to breathe....." you started to say. "The shielding will transfer part of what he's feeling to me and he'll be able to breathe the air I'm getting." You added and she understood.

"You both might want to step back a little bit." Clark mentioned to you and Lois and she smiled. Doing as he said, you stood beside her and watched him take off.

"Aurora, you're not going with him?" Colonel asked.

"No. I'm to stay with the pod and make sure everything is executed as planned. I'm also helping if any of the invaders decide to engage and destroy the pod." You told him and he nodded.

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