
Eunji left Baekhyun inside the lift, dumbfounded. He followed Eunji out up to their own units. Eunji stopped, turning around to Baekhyun

Eunji-Thank you for helping me out just now
Baekhyun-No problem. We are neighbours though, we should help each other

Eunji nodded. They parted ways into their own house

Karen-Welcome home miss

Just like Baekhyun's house, Eunji's home also had AI system installed which she named Karen

Eunji-Thanks Karen. Has Seojun woke up?
Karen-Yes he has. I assume he will be here soon


Seojun shouted from his bedroom

Eunji-You are right. Thanks Karen

Seojun strolled into the kitchen, running

Seojun-Good morning mommy
Eunji-Morning pumpkin. Sit down, I bought us breakfast

Seojun climbed onto his chair without saying much. He was hungry too. Eunji extended her hand across the table, passing Seojun his food. He noticed the purple marks around Eunji's arm

Seojun-Did you get hurt?
Eunji-Huh? Oh, this...
Seojun-Did you meet 'him'?

Eunji just smiled faintly. She held her son's hand, gently squeezing it

Eunji-Am I making you worried? I'm sorry, I promise to be more careful next time
Seojun-Let's move out from here
Eunji-It's not that easy honey

Seojun-It's because of the custody right? If you don't have a son then you wouldn't have to go to the court anymore. You could be totally free from that bad guy. It's all because I am his son

Seojun left the table without finishing his food. He walked back to his room, locked the door and hid under his blanket

Knock! Knock!

Eunji-Seojun, open the door please

Seojun remained quiet and refused to talk to his mom. Eunji let out a heavy sigh

Eunji-I need to go to work. Dojin noona will be here shortly. Wait for her and don't go anywhere alright? I know you hear me. I'll be going now. Love you

Eunji's footsteps faded away as she left home. Seojun grabbed his gadget from bedside drawer and tuned in to his favourite video game

The clock struck 9 am. Dojin, Seojun's babysitter walked into the house with a pile of text books

Dojin-Seojun ahh, noona needs to prepare for my college entrance. Can you play on your own today?

Seojun nodded quietly. He took his colouring book and went to sit with Dojin in the living room. Suddenly Seojun's stomach rumbled asking for food

Seojun-Noona, I'm hungry
Dojin-Not now Seojun, I have a test

Seojun pouted. He left to the kitchen looking for something to eat, but there was none


Seojun heard someone's door being open. He quickly ran to the intercom to see. He saw Baekhyun just left his house. Seojun hurriedly opened the door


Baekhyun turned back around, flustered

Baekhyun-Oh, kid
Seojun-Where are you going?
Baekhyun-I'm going to the convenience store
Seojun-Can I come with you?

Baekhyun just nodded, he didn't know why he did that too

Baekhyun remained waiting while Seojun went back inside to inform Dojin he was going to leave. She barely paid attention and allowed him to go. Seojun came back not long after that

They walked to the closest convenience store. It was only 500 meters away from their house complex, but could still be dangerous for kids to come alone

Baekhyun-Did you tell your mom about coming with me?
Seojun-Mom is not home, I stay with my nanny
Baekhyun-Oh. You didn't hesitate to come with me. Are you not afraid?
Seojun-You don't look like a bad guy
Baekhyun-But still, you cannot follow a stranger carelessly. Good thing you meet a good guy like me

He joked. They arrived at the convenience store. Seojun headed straight to junk food sections and picked a packet of jelly, cracker, ice cream, pudding and soft drink

Seojun-How much for all these?
Cashier-It will be $8.50
Seojun-Oh no, I only have $5

Too bad he didn't bring enough money. Seojun asked the cashier to put out the crackers and pudding. But it still not enough

Baekhyun-I will pay for him as well
Cashier-Together with your son's items, it will be $13.50

Baekhyun was flustered as he handed his card to the cashier. After getting his change, he tried to correct her

Baekhyun-He is not my son
Cashier-Really? I'm sorry, you two really look alike

Baekhyun smiled awkwardly at the female cashier

Baekhyun-Let's go

Baekhyun held Seojun's hand as they walked back to their houses. He even helped Seojun to tear off the ice cream packet. While Baekhyun, he was enjoying his hot dog

Seojun-Ahjusshi, do you know my mom?
Baekhyun-Your mom? No, I don't
Seojun-Really? But you know her name

Baekhyun swallowed his saliva hard. He ran his gaze from Seojun

Baekhyun-I just know her name, that's all
Seojun-You two are not close?
Baekhyun-No, we don't

He lied

Baekhyun-Why are you suddenly curious?
Seojun-This morning, my mom bumped into my dad. I don't know what happened, but she has bruises around on her arm

Baekhyun knew that since he saw Eunji with her ex husband earlier. It was obvious they were arguing, but he did not know the exact reason

Seojun-My dad has always been abusive towards us. But mom always take up his anger in my stead. That's why they ended up splitting. But he would never stop coming at her
Baekhyun-It still happens after they split?
Seojun-We have moved three times to different states. But he still can find us
Baekhyun-That is bad

Seojun stopped and turned to face Baekhyun. He looked straight into Baekhyun's eyes, hopeful

Seojun-Ahjusshi, can you look after my mom? I'm afraid my dad will come back and hurt her again

Baekhyun looked at Seojun's tiny fingers as he stuck out his pinky, asking for a promise from Baekhyun. He knelt in front of Seojun

Baekhyun-Why should I do that?
Seojun-Because you are a good person. Are you not?

Baekhyun chuckled. He slung his pinky with Seojun's small finger

Seojun jumped excitedly and hugged Baekhyun. And at that moment, he felt an electric spark across his chest. His big hands slowly trailed up Seojun's back, tapping him gently



Hello beauties, I'm back 🔥
It feels so long since I stopped updating (it was only a few days ago but I personally feel like it has been years already ㅠㅠ)

Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Let me know whether you are enjoying this book or not 🙈 I will update again very soon

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