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Red Carnation: Represents sincere love, affection and admiration

Mitsuya slept over at my house in the end. We were all gathered at the dining table having breakfast when my father came home. The huge man in the maroon suit placed his hat and suitcase at the sofa. Black hair with a few strands of grey covered his face. He turned around to look us. I froze, panicking because Mitsuya is at our table.

"What are you gawking at? Wash up and join us for breakfast. " My mother said to him, sternly.

My father smiled,"Of course, my love."

My mother is not really in a good mood because she found out that Gaia gave birth on her sofa. It stained the sofa pretty bad that we might have to throw it out. My mother shot lazers eyes at me as she eats her food.

" Ma, I will get you a new sofa,okay?" I tried to persuade her. 

"I know you would but let me be cranky for a bit. " My mother sulked.

Mitsuya laughed at my mother's attitude towards me.  I glared at him in annoyance. I got up from the table and put my plate in the sink before leaving for school. I could hear Mitsuya following after me. As I walked out out to the front yard, I noticed Eiji and Crow standing outside my dad's car. They noticed Mitsuya behind me.

"When did this happen?" Eiji smirked, pointing at the both of us.

"Shut up, you pervert. " I kicked his leg. 

Mitsuya looked slightly uncomfortable.

" This is Eiji and Crow. They work very closely under my Dad. " I introduced them both to him.

" I could tell. " Mitsuya said. 

"Okay, bye we're going to school. " I grabbed Mitsuya's wrist and walked past the grown men.

"Do you need a ride?" Eiji called out.

I showed my middle finger to him. I could hear Crow and Eiji laughing at me. 

Mitsuya got really quiet as we walked down the street. I stopped at the bus stop,facing him. The boy's cheeks was tinted pink and he looked stiff. I noticed my hand was still grabbing hid wrist very tightly.  I let go of his hand immediately.

" Crow and Eiji can be very intimidating so I just wanted to leave the situation quickly. " I explained myself.

"Right, yes that's the reason. " He looked down, scratching his head. 

He laughed at himself and shook his head, "you're always full of surprises."

I did not see Mitsuya after that day. It was almost a month. Luna and Mana stopped coming over to our place. I hope things are okay.  I miss the girls a lot. I tried asking my Mother about it but she didn't know either.  Chihiro noticed I was upset when I walked her home.

"Rie,if it is bothering you that badly, how about you visit them? " Chihiro suggested.

"What? No.  I am not so upset to that extend. It's just feels weird without the girls around as much. " I nudged her shoulder.

" I can be a cute little girl. Rie onee-san" Chihiro teased. 

I gagged.  Chihiro continued to tease me until we reach her house.  I kicked her ass inside the house before I made my regular visit to my Mother's clinic.
I saw my mother talking to a woman outside her clinic. Her hair in a loose bun. She looked very tired.

"Rie! This Mrs.Mitsuya." My mother called me over.

Mitsuya's mother.  I rarely hear the girls talk about her but one thing I know is that they miss her a lot.  I am sure Mitsuya misses her too. I greeted her politely.

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