"You still don't. And I don't see why," Carrie said and shrugged her shoulders. "Emily isn't going to change."

"I know that," Elizabeth said and rolled her eyes. "You would have thought that in twenty-four years since choosing that lifestyle, she would have found her true self."

"This isn't something you choose," Carrie said and scoffed. She gladly took a sip of her lemonade. The older woman watched her intensely. "This isn't a political opinion. This isn't something that Emily can help."

"I think you need to sit down—"

"I know what to be a good Christian is. My mother taught me all the actual values of becoming one when I was a kid. You have to be kind, loving, and understanding of everyone. You don't belittle someone because they don't fit into a box or an image that you'd like them to be in," Carrie said and crossed her arms. "You surely don't turn your back on your own daughter over something she ca—"

"Carrie," JJ called out and crossed her arms at the bottom of the stairwell. The teenager looked over and saw both her and Emily there at the stairs. One wore a upset look, the other looked proud beyond words. "Upstairs. Now."


"Now, Carrie," JJ said and tilted her head up. Carrie grabbed her lemonade and marched up the stairs. Emily pursed her lips as the teenager passed her.

"I'll come talk to you right now," Emily whispered before Carrie went up to her room. The two made their way down to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Eliz—"

"Don't," Emily said and placed her hand on JJ's arm. The blonde woman looked back confused. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "It's nice having someone to defend our lifestyle."

"Don't start with this again, Emily," Elizabeth said and ran a hand down her face. Emily scoffed as she walked around the kitchen. JJ, being the only non-Prentiss in the room, decided to leave it be and not push her presence into this conversation.

"If you don't like what my daughter has to say, the door is right over there. I'm not going to be judgmental on Carrie's attitude and views on life when I completely agree with her. She wasn't in the wrong. You are and nobody is surprised by this," Emily said and grabbed two mugs from the cabinet. "If you want to have a screaming match with someone, I'm right here. But don't you dare take it out on a teenager for crying out loud. My daughter to be exact."

"I'm not here to start a screaming match," Elizabeth said and ran a hand over her face once again. Emily set down both mugs of coffee and sighed. "I'm adjusting."

"For twenty-four years, you think you would have had enough time then," Emily said sarcastically. She made her way towards the stairs and ran up them without another word. JJ sighed softly.

"Would you like some cinnamon rolls? Carrie insisted that we buy some. She can't get enough of these sugary things now that she's playing volleyball and does art with a club," JJ said and chuckled nervously. The Ambassador watched her as she dug through the fridge, obviously avoiding this conversation. JJ made her way to the oven and started it. The blonde woman even poured the freshly brewed coffee into the two mug. JJ slid one over to Elizabeth. "Or, I could have Anderson pick us up something? Really, whatever you'd like."

"Jennifer?" Elizabeth asked and crossed her legs underneath the counter. JJ was terrified in this moment. She hummed and ducked down to grab a baking sheet. "How did the two of you end up with Carrie?"

JJ gulped nervously as she stood back up with the baking sheet in hand. She cleared her throat and looked back at the stairs, making sure neither of them were there.

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